Label the Earth Diagram
Terminology 1.The innermost layer of the earth. 2. A vibration or tremor of the earth’s surface. 3. A mountain which is formed by the folding of the earth’s crust. 4. The layer between the crust and the core. 5. A deep valley formed on the ocean floor.
Word Jumble 1. eamnlt 2. bcduuoinst 3. Lcoovna 4. emomsseeitr 5. tucrs 6. Orec
7. Aagmm 8. Deeivrtng 9. Cevnoctnoi 10.Sseoomncpri
6. It is found along the boundary where the North American Plate slides past the Pacific Plate. 7. It is formed from the collision between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate
Structured Questions 1.State the types of plate movements. 2.Name TWO features that are formed when a continental crust move towards an oceanic crust. 3.Name THREE results of the plate movements. 4. A fault occurs in THREE ways, they are………
5.There are basically FIVE types of fold, they are……… 6.The diagram shows the divergent plate movement. The resulting landform is _____.
1.The innermost layer of the earth. core 2. A vibration or tremor of the earth’s surface. Earthquakes 3. A mountain which is formed by the folding of the earth’s crust. Fold mountain 4. The layer between the crust and the core. mantle 5. A deep valley formed on the ocean floor. Oceanic trench
Word Jumble 1. eamnlt Mantle 2. bcduuoinst Subduction 3. lcoovna volcano 4. emomsseeitr Seismometer 5. tucrs Crust 6. Orec Core
7. Aagmm Magma 8. Deeivrtng Divergent 9. Cevnoctnoi Convection 10.Sseoomncpri compression
6. It is found along the boundary where the North American Plate slides past the Pacific Plate. San Andreas Fault 7. It is formed from the collision between the Indo-Australian Plate and the Eurasian Plate The Himalayas
Structured Questions 1.State the types of plate movements. Divergent, convergent and transform 2.Name TWO features that are formed when a continental crust move towards an oceanic crust. Fold mountains, volcanoes, oceanic trench 3.Name THREE results of the plate movements. Folding, faulting, vulcanicity. 4. A fault occurs in THREE ways, they are……… Compressional force, Tensional force, Transform fault
5.There are basically FIVE types of fold, they are symmetrical/simple fold, assymetrical fold, overfold/overturned, recumbent fold and overthrust fold. 6.The diagram shows the divergent plate movement. The resulting landform is oceanic ridge.