Tips for Success with your Gate III Portfolio EAA/ECA McIntyre, Fall 2008 Gate III
The focus of Gate 3 is about student learning! Move from “application” to “management” by using words like “My students…” instead of “I” Remember: The key point is: WHAT HAVE YOUR STUDENTS LEARNED??!! Use student learning data (remove student names and/or create SUMMARIES of student learning) PROVE that students are learning from you, for example…. CriteriaNumber of 4’s Number of 3’s Number of 2’s Number of 1’s Number of 0’s Depth of Understanding Presentation Participation Other critieria
Some GREAT artifacts: Student Learning Profile: Student interests / learning styles / MI / reading level chart/hobbies/involvements at school or community… – Show you know your students by making a connection between what you know about your students and the lessons and units you have designed and implemented
GREAT artifacts: Lesson plans – At least ONE including a Compelling Why – At least ONE demonstrating a “Culturally Responsive Lesson” – The inclusion of reading strategies work well for WTS 2 and 3 – 5 E’s model » Use a highlighter to point out these parts of a lesson plan that are compelling to show MANAGEMENT
GREAT artifacts: Unit plans With “central concept” and/or “essential question” clearly identified Sections labeled by MI are useful Assessments are within and at the end of the unit (rubrics are best) The unit should be “developmentally appropriate” (you picked the central concept because it matched student learning needs) In WTS 3 – remember it is MI AND race / class / gender The final task or showcase event you ask students to do is a performance task – preferably with student choice
GREAT artifacts: Assessments Linked to EQ (comparison of student answers to your answers) Formal / informal/formative / summative A variety is best – Checkpoints – Quizzes – Tests – Rubrics
GREAT artifacts: Evaluations University Supervisor observation/ evaluations Cooperating Teacher observation/evaluations You may use each criteria as an artifact!
GREAT artifacts: Dispositions Disposition evaluation(s) forms filled out by either CT or University supervisor H AS A NEED FOR SHARED UNDERSTANDING Asks clarifying questions for self and/or group needs Solicits responding from all parties Paraphrases for better self and group understanding Redirects counter-productive participation Demonstrates active listening during collaborations H AS A NEED TO BE CONSTANTLY SEEKING NEW SOLUTIONS – Seeks input from and works with others to describe current condition – Works with others to determine need for change – Considers other’s ideas and perspectives to generate possible solutions and meet multiple needs A CCEPTS RESPONSIBILITY FOR SELF AND TAKES ON RESPONSIBILITY FOR OTHERS – Accepts and seeks out responsibility for tasks – Advocates for other’s needs, regardless of personal beliefs/needs – Actively seeks out assistance from others to meet identified needs D ISPLAYS PERSEVERANCE FOR PROJECTS AND INTERPERSONAL RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT – Actively seeks out others for contributions in order to make change and persist with tasks – Acknowledges all participants contributions, concerns, and ideas – Depersonalizes negativity from others and contributes positive responses S HOWS A PASSION FOR EXCELLENCE IN THE CONTEXT OF LEARNING – Active and positive member of groups – Uses excellence in a context of learning to collaborate with and influence others – Celebrates group successes – Exhibits an appropriate sense of humor, a positive manner, and enthusiasm during interactions
GREAT artifacts: Reflections Narratives or reflections you write – Some on lesson plans themselves to show you know how to modify them (WTS 9) – Some in other forms which show deeper thoughts about self (WTS 9)
Get it done… Run a draft of Standard 1 by your University Supervisor early in Q1 (or Q3) Different readers have different expectations Work on Standards 1-5 first, then 6-10, perhaps in your Q2 (Q4) placement DO NOT TRY TO DO ALL OF THE STANDARDS AT THE END OF YOUR PLACEMENT…unless, of course, you enjoy stress. Q1Q2 Switch Standards 1-5Standards 6-10
Other Stuff: Observation Form White copy to student teacher – put in portfolio Yellow copy goes to CT Pink copy goes to supervisor (to be turned in to be filed in CI at end of the quarter (or semester)
Other Stuff: Gate 3 Scoring Sheet Original kept in portfolio Copy to be returned to CI – Supervisors return the following to CI for filing/audit at end of semester: Gate 3 Scoring Sheet At least two pink observation forms Blue copies of summative evaluation Goldenrod form indicating dates of observations
Other Stuff: Formative Assessment (green) Filled out at end of Q1(or Q3) Goes in Portfolio Show to next placement CT
Other Stuff: Summative Assessment (blue) Filled out at end of Q2 (or Q4) Goes in portfolio Page 5 (copy of page 1)torn off and returned to CI by University Supervisor
Finally Be professional (remember that you are probably going to be asking folks in your host school to provide a positive recommendation, if only by word of mouth) Arrive at school BEFORE your CT and try to leave AFTER your CT, and dress better than s/he too! Have a positive attitude EVERY day Have fun!