The Sea Floor
Continental vs. oceanic crust
What is Continental Drift? The idea that the plates are floating and moving around on a liquid mantle.
Evidence of Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics 1. Discovery of Mid-Ocean ridges
2. The fact that the earth fits together like a puzzle.
3. Similar species found on different continents
4. Deep sea rock much younger than continental rock. Why?
5. Distribution of earthquakes and volcanoes
6. Magnetic anomalies on the sea floor
Fossils found on high on mountains
All this combined led to the current theory of plate tectonics. We are moving right now.
Direction of plate movement
Three types of plate movement 1. Diverging boundary 2. Converging boundary 3. Transform boundary
Diverging Boundary – mid ocean ridge
Converging Boundary Two Types – Oceanic crust to continental crust – subduction zones – Continental crust to Continental crust
Oceanic crust to continental crust – subduction zones
Continental crust to Continental crust
Transform Boundary
San Andres Fault
Island Arc Formation
Atoll formation
Continental Margins
Mid Ocean Ridges
Hydrothermal Vents