What is a Protist? Protists are organisms that are classified into the kingdom Protista. The protists form a group of organisms that really do not fit into any other kingdom. All protists are eukaryotic. That is, all protists have cells with nuclei. In addition, all protists live in moist environments. eukaryotic
Protists can be unicellular or multicellular. Protists can be microscopic or can be over 100 meters (300 feet) long. Some protists are heterotrophs, while others are autotrophs.unicellular multicellularheterotrophs autotrophs
Since protists vary so much, we will group them into three subcategories: animal-like protists, fungus-like protists, and plant-like protists.animal-like protistsfungus-like protistsplant-like protists
Animal Like Protists Protists that are classified as animal-like are called protozoans and share some common traits with animals. All animal-like protists are heterotrophs. Likewise, all animal-like protists are able to move in their environment. Unlike, animals, however, animal-like protists are all unicellular.protozoans heterotrophs unicellular
Animal-like protists are divided into four basic groups based on how they move and live. PROTISTS WITH PSEUDOPODS: These protists move by extending their bodies forward and then pulling the rest of their bodies forward as well. The finger-like structures that they project forward are called pseudopods. The pseudopods are also used to trap food. pseudopods trap food
The ameba is an example of this type of animal-like protist.
PROTISTS WITH CILIA These protists move by beating tiny hair-like structures called cilia. The cilia act as tiny oars that allows the protist to move through its watery environment. The cilia also help the protists capture food.cilia
The paramecium is an example of this type of animal-like protist.
PROTISTS WITH FLAGELLA These protists move by beating their long whiplike structures called flagella. These protists can have one or more flagella that help them move. Many of these protists live in the bodies of other organisms. The symbiosis may be mutualistic or parasitic.flagella
Giardia: water borne illness
FUNGUS LIKE PROTISTS Fungus-like protists are heterotrophs with cell walls. They also reproduce by forming spores. All fungus-like protists are able to move at some point in their lives. There are essentially three types of fungus-like protists: water molds, downy mildews, and slime molds.heterotrophs spores
Water molds and Downy mildew Live in water or moist environments Look like tiny threads with a fuzzy covering Attack food such as potatoes, cabbage, and corn and can destroy whole crops
SLIME MOLDS Live in moist soil and on decaying plants and trees Very colorful Move by forming pseudopodspseudopods Feed on bacteria and other microorganisms.bacteriamicroorganisms
Plant like Protists Plant-like protists are autotrophic. They can live in soil, on the bark of trees, in fresh water, and in salt water. These protists are producers. They produce a lot of oxygen and carbon based organic materials. These plant- like protists form the base of aquatic food chains.autotrophic
These plant-like protists can be unicellular, multicellular, or live in colonies. The plant- like protists are divided into four basic groups: euglenoids, dinoflagellates, diatoms, and algae. unicellular multicellularcolonieseuglenoidsdinoflagellatesdiatomsalgae
Euglenoids Autotrophs when sunny Autotrophs Heterotrophs when dark Heterotrophs Unicellular Found mostly in fresh water Some have flagellumflagellum
Dinoflagellates Autotrophs when sunny Autotrophs Heterotrophs when dark Heterotrophs Unicellular Found mostly in fresh water Some have flagellumflagellum
Diatoms Unicellular Glasslike cell walls – Used in toothpastes, scouring products, and as filters
Green Algae Are green in color Mostly unicellular, but some form colonies, and a few are multicellularunicellularcoloniesmulticellular Live in fresh water, salt water, and a few live on land
Red Algae Multicellular Commonly called sea weed Live in deep salt water Are used by humans to help make ice cream and hair conditioner Are eaten in some Asian cultures
Brown Algae: “sea weed” Multicellular Commonly called sea weed Have large leaf-like structures called blades Have air-filled sacs called air bladders Have root-like structure called holdfast Live in salt water Are used by humans to help make pudding and salad dressing
Brown Algae