The Protists Amoeba
Animal-like Features -Can move -Catches food- eats prey - Catches prey with pseudopods -Specialized food vacuole similar to a lysosome
Plant-like Features none
Structures/Methods of Movement - Pseudopodia (pseuodopods) - False feet - Moves by extending pseudopods the rest of the body follows.
The Protists Paramecium
Animal-like features - Can move - Catches food by sweeping prey into oral groove
Plant-like features Specialized vacuole Contractile vacuole used to get rid of excess water
Structures/Methods of Movement - Cilia- tiny, hair-like structures that move like oars
Protists Euglena
Animal-like Features - Can move - Sense light with eyespot (will move toward light) - Will catch prey if it doesn’t perform photosynthesis
Plant-like Features - Can perform photosynthesis - Has chloroplasts
Structures/Method of Movement - Flagellum-whip-like structure that moves back and forth to propel organism
Protists Volvox
Animal-like Features - Can move
Plant-like Features - Has chloroplasts -Performs photosynthesis
Structures/Method of movement - Each individual cell has 2 flagella - When each organism moves it causes the entire colony to rotate and revolve.