Protists The Junk Drawer Kingdom Notes # 22
Protists Most are unicellular All live in moist environments Are all eukaryotic —Have cells with nuclei
Animal-like Protists Are heterotrophs Most are protozoan are able to move from place to place to obtain their food Are unicellular
Protozoans 4 types pseudopods ciliates zooflagellates sporozoans
Pseudopods pseudopods: fake feet —forms when the cell bulges out and fills with cytoplasm —used to respond to changes in environ. like escaping light or temp., and for gathering food —Ex: Ameba
Ciliates Have cilia Ex: Paramecium Hairlike structures that move in a wavelike pattern Use to move, get food, sense environ.
Zooflagellates Use 1-8 flagella to move whiplike tail used to move Ex: Giardia lamblia—lives in streams and causes hiker’s disease Ex: live inside termites
Sporozoans Feed on cells and body fluids of host Ex: Plasmodium—causes malaria Parasites
Fungi-like Protists Heterotrophs Have cell walls Use spores to reproduce Able to move at some point in lives 3 types: water molds downy mildew slime molds
Plant-like Protists Commonly called algae Autotrophic Some live in soil, tree bark, and fresh and salt H2O Ex: Euglenoids, dinoflagellates, diatoms, and green, red, and brown algae