Regents Biology Domain Bacteria Domain Archaebacteria Domain Eukaryotes Common ancestor Kingdom Protist Simple Eukaryotes
Regents Biology Classification criteria eukaryotes animal-like, plant-like or fungi-like That’s more of what they’re not & not what they are!
Regents Biology Protist Diversity A great variety in ways of life one-celled to many-celled autotrophs (photosynthesis) to heterotrophs (have to eat) asexual to sexual reproduction pathogens to beneficial Sessile and mobile
Regents Biology Protist Diversity Animal-like Protists heterotrophs, predators Amoeba Paramecium Stentor Paramecium with food vacuoles stained red Amoeba ingesting a Paramecium
Regents Biology Classified how they move flagellum cilia pseudopod Used in classification of protists
Regents Biology Protist Diversity Plant-like Protists autotrophs, photosynthesis Euglena algae diatoms
Regents Biology Protist Diversity Parasitic & pathogen Protists malaria Giardia trypanosomes Plasmodium Giardia Trypanosoma
Regents Biology Protist Diversity Beneficial & necessary Protists phytoplankton small algae + diatoms much of the world’s photosynthesis produces ~90% of atmospheric oxygen zooplankton heterotroph protists key ecological role at base of marine food web Mmmmmm! Keeps me goin’!