Striving to become a critical community psychologist: Gaps between values and practice Isaac Prilleltensky Dean, School of Education University of Miami Isaac Prilleltensky Dean, School of Education University of Miami
What is critical community psychology? A form of thinking, researching, and acting in the world concerned with: 1. Making community psychology accountable to its original mission of fostering psychological and community wellness with justice, and not just with health promotion and prevention at the individual level 2. The role of power in psychological, relational, organizational, communal and environmental well-being, suffering, justice and injustice. 3. Critical reflection on how power differentials in psychological, relational, organizational, communal and political realms may perpetuate the status quo, benefit those with power, including the aspiring critical community psychologist, and make invisible the suffering and concerns of people with less power, privilege, and prestige, including our own students, community partners, and colleagues.
What values support critical community psychology?
What practices support critical community psychology? Epistemic psychopolitical validity Transformational psychopolitical validity
Epistemic Psychopolitical Validity This type of validity is achieved by the systematic account of the role of power in political and psychological dynamics affecting phenomena of interest Such account needs to consider the role of power in the psychology and politics of wellness, oppression and liberation, at the personal, relational, and collective domains.
Transformational Psychopolitical Validity Transformational validity derives from the potential of our actions to promote personal, relational, and collective wellness by reducing power inequalities and increasing political action
Psychopolitical Validity Concerns Colonization Racism Discrimination Poverty Organizing Silencing Bullying Horizontal violence Voice and choice Inclusion Exclusion Egalitarian relations Solidarity Domestic violence Powerlessness Internalized oppression Empowerment
What are some gaps in critical psychology practice? We understand the role of power at multiple levels in well-being, but focus on health related individual risk factors We want to challenge the status quo, but often cannot or do not We want to stop and reflect, but often are caught in systemic demands
What are some sources of gaps in critical psychology practice? Personal tensions Organizational conditions Community politics
What are some sources of gaps in critical psychology practice? Personal tensions 1. Adjust but do not challenge the system 2. Challenge but do not adjust to the system 3. Neither adjust to, nor challenge the system 4. Adjust and challenge the system at the same time
What are some sources of gaps in critical psychology practice? Organizational conditions Lack of generic conditions Resources Climate Lack of specific conditions Support Awareness
What are some sources of gaps in critical psychology practice? Community politics Risk/benefits assessment in speaking truth to power Institutional consequences Personal consequences
Conclusion Becoming a critical community psychologist is a difficult process We need intellectual and human resources to pursue this goal I am vulnerable to personal tensions, lack of organizational conditions, and community politics I need challengers, monitors, role models, and supporters in the process