Saltwater Crocodile Habitat Habitat Food Food Features Features Interesting Interesting Quiz Quiz Image from:
Where they live Saltwater crocodiles live in both fresh and salt water including rivers, swamps, billabongs, the sea and creeks. They live in the northern parts of Australia, east coast of India and Southeast Asia.
What they eat They are carnivores. Large crocodiles can eat cattle and horses that get to close to the waters edge even wallabies and pigs. Baby crocodiles eat insects and shellfish.
What they look like Male crocodiles can reach 7metres and weigh over 1000kg. Female crocodiles grow around 4metres. Crocodiles have a powerful tails and webbed feet to swim. They have very powerful jaws with large teeth.
More Facts Crocodiles have lived on Earth for more than 200 million years They are a relative of the dinosaurs. They are cold-blooded reptiles. Crocodiles lay eggs.
Quiz Crocodiles can live in the open ocean? True False
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