Scientific Journaling and Taking Notes Earth System Science Fieldtrip: NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Goal A personal documentation your study of the Earth System
Grading Your journal will be a project grade. January: create a web report –using only your JOURNAL as a source The web report will be a test grade.
Include in the journal… 1. A cover page: include a title, dates, class name, this journal goal, an illustration. 2. Factual information –From your reading –From presentations –factual information
Include… 3. Notes –Include your observations and thinking –Expand on the factual information –Show thinking skills –Make connections. Put ideas together –ask questions, and look for a deeper meaning –Reflect
include… 4. Questions: –whatever comes into your head. –Curious? Don’t understand? New idea? – Find a time to ask the question or look up the answer. 5. Drawings: –quick sketches of things you see – help you understand how things work –Help to remember vocabulary.
Include… 6. Vocabulary: Set aside one page for vocabulary words that you encounter. Choose words and write them down... find the meanings. 7. Specifics: dates, times, people's names, place names, references for sources of information.