arms armpit ankle ass
an angelfish
Alligators are green and have sharp teeth.
This is an envelope.
Astronauts work in space.
Angels have wings and lives in heaven.
They are animals.
It is an ant.
She is an artist.
Airplanes flies in the sky.
We ride a rollercoaster at an amusement park.
Airplanes land at airports.
The airplane is flying above the man.
He is going on an adventure.
They are at an apple orchard.
We wear an apron when we cook.
Name one country that starts with ‘A”.
America, Africa, Argentina…etc.
Kangaroos come from Australia.
They are going to the Alps.
There is a car accident.
They live in an apartment.
vet = animal clinic
This is an armchair.
I go to an aquarium to see many kinds of fish.
Give one English name that starts with “A”.
Adam, Amy, Amanda, Alice, Arnold, Ann, Anna, Annabelle, Ashley…etc.
He is shooting an arrow.
He is an author.
His parents are asleep.
Polar bears live in the Arctic.
We study English at an English academy.
The American flag is on the top of the building.
He is asking a question.
That’s ____! I got 100 in my English test!
Wow! That’s amazing!
He is turning off his alarm clock.
They are blowing air into the balloons.
They are actors.
The students want to answer the question.
You are 10 years old. Your _ _ _ is 10 years old.
The road goes __________ the mountain.
Are you okay? Are you __________?
Are you alright?
영화 다시 또 보고 싶다.
I want to watch the movie again.
난 이미 전심 먹었다.
I already ate lunch.
거의 다 끝냈다.
I am almost finished.
난 항상 운동한 다.
I always exercise.