Award & Recognition Committee Objectives –Recognize sections and volunteers for contribution to IEEE by granting awards –Promote sections for further enhancement in membership and activities Committee Members –Kukjin Chun(Chair) –Takatoshi Minami –Darrel Chong –Deepak Mathur –Zia Ahmed –Elmer Dadios 1
2012 R10 Distinguished Large Section Award –Hong Kong Section 2012 R10 Distinguished Small Section Award –Kharagpur Section 2013 R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award –Peter Howard Over (New Zealand North Section) –Ohno Eiichi (Tokyo Section) –Sanjib Kumar Panda (Singapore Section) –Arup Dasgupta (Gujarat Section) –Sasi P M (Kerala Section) 2013 R10 Awards
2013 MGA Larry K. Wilson Transnational Award –Mini Thomas (Delhi Section) 2013 MGA Leadership Award –Darrel Chong (Singapore Section) 2013 MGA Achievement Award –Sateesh Babu (Kerala Section) –Eiichi Ohno (Tokyo Section) –Sampathkumar Veeraraghavan (Madras Section) 2013 MGA GOLD Achievement Award –Rayees Amar Nishad (Kerala Section) –Manjunath Iyer (Bangalore Section) –Ajin Baby (Kerala Section) –Muhammad Maroof Raza (Lahore Section) –Josheel Pranlal (New Zealand North Section) 2013 MGA Awards
R10 Distinguished Section Awards Evaluation guide (Total 105 points) : –15 Membership Growth/Retention –10 Affinity Group(GOLD, WIE, LM) Activity –10 Chapter Activity(new C/Maintenance 5, Chapter activity 5) –10 Students Activity(SB activities 5, new SB/Maintenance 5) –10 Awards received by section/volunteers of section –7 Continuing Education Activity –8 Technical Activity(DLP, Seminar) –7 Industry Relations(Membership Growth, Activity) –8 Humanitarian Technology Activity –10 Special events/projects –10 Communication Activity (Newsletter 5, website 5)
2014 Projects & Activities R10 Distinguished Large/Medium/Small Section Awards –New Medium Section Award for 501 ~ 1500 membership –Selection based on review of section report –Notification of result : June 30, 2014 –USD 1,000 Cash Prize with wonderful certificate R10 Outstanding Volunteer Award –Recognition of R10 volunteers with outstanding contribution –Call for nomination : June 1, 2014 –Deadline of nomination : August 31, 2014 –Notification of result : November 30,