Eva Hambach Vlaams Steunpunt Vrijwilligerswerk vzw – Flemish Volunteer Centre Nationaal Coördinatieorgaan EYV2011 Vlaanderen – National Coordinating Body Europees Centrum Vrijwilligerswerk – European Volunteer Centre ©PPT- EYV2011 Volunteering and the arts sector
Spotlights 3 out of 10 EU citizens engage in volunteering Engagement varies – EU countries – Age, gender,… – Sector of activity (big versus small sectors) – Traditions, cultural and political history
EYV2011 Marking 10 th anniversary IYV2001 Push Policymakers to support and develop and sustainable and coherent policy – EU-level – National Member states – Regions, Local authorities,… Transversal and cross sectoral approach
Aims Volunteerfriendly climate (legal framework, support, VI) Quality of volunteering activities (education, standards,…) Recognition of volunteering activities (competences, awards,…) Raising awareness (promotion, branding, public and political opinion)
Relevance For all sectors in which volunteers do engage Involvement – Active Citizenship Community building – cooperation,… Development of skills and competences Broader persepective (not aimed at profits) Economical value (cf. Measurement Project) Social Value Political Value
Relevance For your sector especially Lowering barriers – To participate – To engage – To attend Development of (hidden?) talents Creative and innovative
Support Development of a decent volunteer policy – According to the type of organisation – According to the type of support structures What do you tell about your organisation? What do you tell about your volunteering?
What do people need to get attracted to your organisation? – What is your unique selling point? – What do you offer volunteers? – Are you flexible enough? – How does the cooperation gets concrete? – How do you look at volunteers? – How do potential volunteers look at your organisation? Support
Magical triangle to attract, stimulate and engage volunteers CHALLENGE CONNECTIONCAPACITY
Keep in mind that There is more stress on the volunteering, the organisations and the volunteers – Economical crises – Attitude of governments – Involvement of third parties Episodical volunteering is raising Concept of ‘volunteerability’
To conclude Volunteering is dynamical, active Volunteers always want to get something out of it (not bad) Volunteering needs to improve it’s image – You can help Volunteering is ‘cool’