Planning Curriculum Hand in Hand with Assessment and Evaluation
From Curriculum Document to Course / Big Ideas / Strands / Overall expectations / Specific expectations / Big Ideas / Strands / Overall expectations / Specific expectations
What would it look like… / If a student has a deep level of learning? / They demonstrate KICA / Knowledge and Understanding / Inquiry/Thinking / Communication / Application or Making Connections / (comes from Bloom’s taxonomy) / If a student has a deep level of learning? / They demonstrate KICA / Knowledge and Understanding / Inquiry/Thinking / Communication / Application or Making Connections / (comes from Bloom’s taxonomy)
How will I support students learning of the curriculum? / Diagnostic assessment / Lessons & Practice / Learning Goals & Success Criteria / Scaffolding / Assessment with Descriptive Feedback / Diagnostic assessment / Lessons & Practice / Learning Goals & Success Criteria / Scaffolding / Assessment with Descriptive Feedback
How would I measure a student’s learning? / Evaluations / Varied methods -triangulation where possible – to gain reliability / Based on assessment opportunities / With valid instruments / Evaluations / Varied methods -triangulation where possible – to gain reliability / Based on assessment opportunities / With valid instruments
Where strands are discrete units of study / BTT 1O1 / Digital Literacy / Productivity Software / Design Software / Business Communication / Ethics and Issues in Information and Communication Technology / BTT 1O1 / Digital Literacy / Productivity Software / Design Software / Business Communication / Ethics and Issues in Information and Communication Technology
Where strands are discrete units of study / SNC 1D1 / Science Skills / Biology / Chemistry / Space Science / Electricity / SNC 1D1 / Science Skills / Biology / Chemistry / Space Science / Electricity
Issues / Timing of units limited / Do not revisit OE / May need the skills and info from one unit before another unit / Hard to evaluate more than once to triangulate or use most recent, most consistent strategy / Timing of units limited / Do not revisit OE / May need the skills and info from one unit before another unit / Hard to evaluate more than once to triangulate or use most recent, most consistent strategy
Where strands are skills that continue throughout / E.g English 1D1 / Oral communication / Reading and Literature Studies / Writing / Media studies / E.g English 1D1 / Oral communication / Reading and Literature Studies / Writing / Media studies
Where strands are skills / AVI 1O1 / Creating and presenting / Reflecting, responding, & analyzing / Foundations / AVI 1O1 / Creating and presenting / Reflecting, responding, & analyzing / Foundations
Issues / Course not usually delivered in the order of the skill strands since they are not mutually exclusive / Develop another structure of units to deliver curriculum / Evaluate each OE several times across the course leading to more reliable triangulation, and most recent, most consistent in grade determination / Course not usually delivered in the order of the skill strands since they are not mutually exclusive / Develop another structure of units to deliver curriculum / Evaluate each OE several times across the course leading to more reliable triangulation, and most recent, most consistent in grade determination
Board direction… / That overall expectations be evaluated and student performance be tracked in each / Grades be determined in each OE based on triangulation of achievement of multiple examples of evidence and used to determine 70% / That overall expectations be evaluated and student performance be tracked in each / Grades be determined in each OE based on triangulation of achievement of multiple examples of evidence and used to determine 70%
On the way there… / Use and weight strands based on… / Relative amount of time that will be spent on the strand / Importance of the material in the strand to the Big Ideas / Can be equal or not / Can be re-adjusted if in reality you do not finish / Use and weight strands based on… / Relative amount of time that will be spent on the strand / Importance of the material in the strand to the Big Ideas / Can be equal or not / Can be re-adjusted if in reality you do not finish
Tracking Evidence by Strand / Still accountable for ensuring that all OE have been evaluated / Use professional judgement of evidence within the strand to determine 70% / Still accountable for ensuring that all OE have been evaluated / Use professional judgement of evidence within the strand to determine 70%
Track Evidence by OE / Could have 9-18 categories / Identify sections of evaluations that apply to each OE / Ensure multiple measurements of each OE / Make each measurement equal weighting (convert levels or make each measurement out of the same amount) / Use professional judgement; most recent, most consistent within each OE / Could have 9-18 categories / Identify sections of evaluations that apply to each OE / Ensure multiple measurements of each OE / Make each measurement equal weighting (convert levels or make each measurement out of the same amount) / Use professional judgement; most recent, most consistent within each OE