Nuclear Energy
Is Nuclear Energy Justified and should it be expanded? Can it replace Fossil fuels? What ways can we reduce the wastes produced in the reactor core. How can uranium be separated from Plutonium?
AIM: Potential Problem Storage of Nuclear Wastes To Reduce wastes of radioactive contamination. To create and design a suitable waste Storage. Potential Problem Cost of construction Storage facilities
Nuclear Wastes are produced in many different ways: Wastes created as a result of radioactive contamination Wastes produced as a by product of uranium enrichment. Radioactive Isotopes with long half lives tend to be alpha and beta emitters.
Spent Fuel Rod
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Beta Decay Beta Decay is the process in which an electron or neutron Is emitted from an atom The Splitting of an atom of uranium 235 in the reactor of a Nuclear plant produces two to three neutrons and those Neutrons can be absorbed by uranium 238 to produce plutonium. When an atom of U-238 is exposed to Neutron radiation, it produce U-239, then It undergoes beta decays then produce Neptunium then plutonium. The fission of one atom of plutonium 239 Generates 207.1 MegaV.
Mechanism Plutonium n+ 238U 239U 239Np+ e- + Ve- 239Np 239Pu + e- +Ve- Uranium Metal 2U + 3H2 2UH3
Types of storage Deep geological storage Cost of construction is 40 million dollars Potential Storage areas in Nigeria Obudu, but its already used for tourist center Chappal Waddi in Taraba State
Country Facility name Location Geology Depth Status Belgium HADES Underground Research Facility Mol Plastic clay 223 m in operation 1982 Canada AECL Underground Research Laboratory Pinawa Granite 420 m 1990-2006[ Japan Horonobe Underground Research Lab Horonobe Sedimentary rock 500 m under construction[8] Mizunami Underground Research Lab Mizunami 1000 m under construction[
Cost 25 million dollars for two hundred Cylinders Dry Cask Storage Dry cask storage is a method of storing high-level radioactive, such as spent nuclear fuel that has already been cooled in the spent fuel pool for at least one year. When inside , the fuel rods are surrounded by gases.. Each cylinder is surrounded by additional steel, concrete, to provide radiation shielding to workers and members of the public. Some of the cask designs can be used for both storage and transportation. Companies Holtec Intl, NAC Intl. and Areva. Cost 25 million dollars for two hundred Cylinders
Solutions By Doyin The radioactive isotope i.e. plutonium can be recycled back into the reactor. Still Investigating> Disposal in outer space. The waste should be mixed with broken Glass material to solidify the wastes. Under ground storage facilities close to the nuclear power plant site.
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