Introduction to Nanotechnology Module 2 Sense of Scale
The purpose of this module is to provide the foundation for understanding nanoscience in terms of the scale of material being dealt with. Most often we will be using length as the parameter of interest. A secondary purpose is to develop a sense of very large numbers (like the number of atoms in a small piece of material) to very small numbers (like the size of an atom or molecule). Finally, this introductory module provides a review and application of exponential rules, conversion of units and basic algebra.
Sense of Scale Basic algebra Rules of exponents, Units conversion Activity: How small is a “nano”? The Aspirin Calculation Surface area to volume Activity: Powers of Ten
Aspects of Sense of Scale The smallness of a “nano” something Powers of 10 impact
In Class Activity Select an object – small (eraser, pencil, width of your palm) Estimate its length in cm This object will represent one nm in length and be the very first nanometer on a very long meter stick How far away will the last nanometer on the meter stick be?
An example If an aspirin tablet represented a length of 1 nm If one end of the meter stick was in New York City The other end of the meter stick would be in Los Angeles
© Deb Newberry 2008 The “Big Ideas” of Nanoscale Science Sense of Scale Surface area to volume ratio Density, force and pressure Surface tension Priority of forces at different size scales Material/Surface properties Understanding of these concepts requires an integration of the disciplines of math, biology, chemistry, physics and engineering
© Deb Newberry 2008 The “Big Ideas” of Nanoscale Science* Sense of Scale Surface area to volume ratio Density, force and pressure Surface tension Priority of forces at different size scales Material/Surface properties
© Deb Newberry 2008 Macro – Micro - Nano Macro or Conventional Machines Build and assemble (m - mm) Micromachines Build in place (0.1 mm µm) Nanosystems Brought together by forces at the atomic level ( nm) Source: TVI
© Deb Newberry 2008 Source: A red blood cell, ~ 7000 nm A bacterium, ~ 1000 nm A virus, ~ 100 nm Aspirin, ~1 nm
Metric Prefix Table PrefixSymbolMultiplierExponential yottaY 1,000,000,000,00 0,000,000,000, zettaZ 1,000,000,000,00 0,000,000, exaE 1,000,000,000,00 0,000, petaP 1,000,000,000,00 0, teraT 1,000,000,000, gigaG1,000,000, megaM1,000, kilok1, hectoh decada decid0.110¯ 1 centic0.0110¯ 2 millim ¯ 3 microµ ¯ 6 nanon ¯ 9 picop ¯ 12 femtof ¯ 15 attoa ¯ 18 zeptoz ¯ 21 yoctoy ¯ 24 Source: