MRKT585-BUSINESS TO BUSINESS MARKETING Dr. Ugur Yucelt Spring 2004 TR: 6:00-8:45 Classroom: E314
REQUIRED TEXT Main Texts: Vitale and Giglierano. Business to Business Marketing, South- Western, Harvard Business Cases. Optional Text: Lawrence, Jennings and Reynolds. eDistribution. Thomson, Supplementary Readings: Articles in Industrial Marketing Journal, Journal of Marketing, Fortune Magazine, Business Week, Wall Street Journal, New York Times and others
COURSE DESCRIPTION It builds up foundation of graduate level business-to-business marketing concepts. Emphasis will be given to to managerial decision making in the areas of business marketing environment, planning, research, product, pricing, promotion and distribution strategies. Case problems will also be used for presentation and class discussion.
Prerequisites MRKT 520 – Marketing Management
COURSE OBJECTIVES To introduce business marketing management concepts. To introduce concept of problem solving and decision making approach To apply business marketing concept from practical as well as theoretical point of view To integrate and provide business marketing framework
COURSE ASSIGNMENTS Written case analysis (Max pages). A mini research report/Presentations. Take-home final examinations Class participation
CASE ANALYSIS Cases provide a pedagogical way to bring the real life into the classroom. In a simple description, they can be a good exercise to practice trial-and-error techniques. In real sense, there are not a perfect solution; however, your answer and defense will be a curicial point in your presentation and class discussion.
REQUIREMENTS FOR CASE ANALYSIS Each case must be read and prepared for class participation. Case report will be prepared by a group of 2 students. Case report should not be longer than 15 pages excluding tables and charts. All reports are due at the end of class on the day presented.
POSSIBLE OUTLINE FOR A CASE REPORT Situational Analysis and Problem identification: This step is used to identify a main problem and number of sub problems. Environmental Analysis Internal and External environment and SWOT analysis. Alternatives: This step is used to show number f different ways to deal with main problem.
OUTLINE OF CASE REPORT (CON.) Evaluation of Alternatives: This step is the discussion of PRO (advantages) and CONS (disadvantages) of each alternatives. Selection of the Best Alternative: The best and the most feasible one should be selected for recommendation. Recommendation: Final recommendation with reasons should be made for implementation purposes. Implementation: In this final step, the recommended alternative should implemented using 4’P of marketing(price, product, promotion and place).
GUIDELINES FOR CASE PRESENTATION The group that is assigned to present the case will lead the discussion in class. A typewritten report must be handed out at the end of the presentation/discussion. Other members of the class will read the case to participate in class discussion.
Mini Research Assignment/Presentation You will submit a mini research assignment, which should be selected from the list that is giving in the syllabus. The mini research assignment must be presented in class, and its written copy must be submitted at the end of each presentation. Written copy of the assignment should be 5 pages, and its short summary (2-3 pages) should be submitted to every member of this class.
GRADING POLICY Take-home final examination…. 35% Cases/Presentations……….….…30% Mini Research Assignment/presentation…….….20% Class Participation………………15%
Grading Guidelines 93 and above…………….A …………………..A …………………..B …………………..B …………………..B …………………..C …………………..C …………………..D Below 60…………………F
OTHER EXPECTATIONS Participation in class discussion Attendance Please discuss the reason with me if you can not attend the class Academic Integrity See the syllabus.
CONTENTS* Week I: M: Introduction, ground rules, assignments Main text: Chapter 1 W: Main text: Chapter. 2 Optional: Chapter. 6 Chapter. 7 Week II: M: Main text: Chapter 3 Optional: Chapter 4 Mini Research Assignment I
Week II (Cont.): W: Main text: Chapter 5 Optional: Chapter 3 Case I Weeks III: M: Main text: Chapter 7 Optional: Chapter 11 Mini research Assignment II W: Main text: Chapter 8 Optional: Chapter 12 Case II Week IV: M: Main text: Chapters 10 Mini research Assignment III W: Main Text: Chapter 11 Optional: Chapter 9 Case III
Weeks V: M: Main text: Chapters 12 Optional: Chapter 10 Mini Research IV W: Main text: Chapter 13 Case IV Mini Research V Week VI: M: Optional text: Chapter 2 Case Assignment V W: Main text: Chapter 14 TAKE HOME FINAL DUES August 6, 2003 *Tentative list, subject to change.