Review CR & DIGITAL IMAGING (1) 2012 – RT 244 wk 15 References: Bushong Vol 9
Objectives Digital imaging review Review CR fundamentals
Digital Imaging Image acquisition that produces an electronic image that can be viewed and manipulated on a computer. Examples?
Methods to Digitize an Image 1. Film Digitizer 2. Video Camera (vidicon or plumbicon) 3. Computed Radiography 4. Direct Radiography PACS DICOM
DDR CR Digital Radiography Direct Capture Indirect Capture Computed (CR) - PSL Direct-to-Digital Radiography (DDR)-Selenium Direct-to-Digital Radiography Silicon Scint. Laser Scanning Digitizers
Computer Language Computers operate on the Binary Number System It has only two digits, 0 and 1 Computers function by converting all data into binary values.
Byte Represents one character, digit, or value. A bit describes the smallest unit of measure 0 or 1 – computers ultimately understand only 0 or 1 Byte are 8 bits A kilobyte represents 1024 bytes, megabyte is 1 million bytes, gigabyte is approximately 1 billion bytes
Alphabet in Binary
What is a Pixel?
Basics of Digital Images digital images are a (matrix) of pixel (picture element) values
Computed Radiography Fundamentals of Computerized Radiography
What are the CR system components?
Imaging Plate (IP) Contained in a cassette Handled the same as S/F cassettes Processed more like daylight processor with no chemicals IP has lead backing to reduce scatter
CR – PSP plate photostimulable phosphor (PSP) plate Exit photons energizes the PSP plate The energy is stored in traps on plate (latent image) PLATE scanned in CR READER
Imaging Plate Construction A thin sheet of plastic IP’s have several layers A protective layer. This is a very thin, tough, clear plastic that protects the phosphor layer A phosphor or active layer. This is a layer of photostimulable phosphor that “traps” electrons during exposure
Active Layer - Crystals The materials that make up the PSP plate are from the barium fluorohalide family. Barium fluorohalide, chlorohalide, or bromohalide crystals. The most common crystal uses is barium fluorohalide with europium
Acquiring the Image What is the correct order? Violet light is captured by PMT – is amplified and converted into a digital signal cassette is put into the reader, the imaging plate is extracted light is sent to the analog to digital converter (ADC). To convert light to binary. e- return to ground state, visible light is emitted remnant beam interacts with electrons in the barium fluorohalide crystals imaging plate is scanned with a helium laser beam or solid-state laser diodes
Acquiring the Image The remnant beam interacts with electrons in the barium fluorohalide crystals. This interaction stimulates, or gives energy to, electrons in the crystals, allowing them to enter the conductive layer, where they are trapped in an area of the crystal known as the color or phosphor center. This trapped signal will remain for hours, even days, although deterioration begins almost immediately. IR should be processed as soon as possible. The trapped signal is never completely lost.
Imaging Plate Construction A reflective layer. This is a layer that sends light in a forward direction when released in the cassette reader. This layer may be black to reduce the spread of stimulating light and the escape of emitted light. Some detail is lost in this process.
IP Construction
Cross section of a PSP screen
Needle PSP increase the absorption of x-rays and limit the spread of light emission
IP Design Designed to optimize the intensity of light release. (CE) Enhance the absorption of x-rays (DQE) Limit the spread of light emission for more detail.
Photostimulable Luminescence When the cassette is put into the reader, the imaging plate is extracted and scanned with a helium laser beam or, in more recent systems, solid-state laser diodes. This beam, about 100μm wide with a wavelength of 633 nm (or 670 to 690 nm for solid state), scans the plate with red light in a raster pattern and gives energy to the trapped electrons.
X-ray interaction with a PSP screen 1 X-ray interactions with the screen phosphors causes an e- to excited 2 When e- return to ground state visible light is emitted
CR Reader – PSP plate Stimulates the matrix of trapped E- by a RED OR ULTRAVIOLET laser light Trapped E- energy is released in a form of VIOLET/BLUE light Violet light is captured by PMT – is amplified and converted into a digital signal
Producing a PSL signal 50% of the excited e- return to ground state immediately, resulting in light (VIOLET/BLUE) emission. Slow scan = plate Fast scan = laser
How CR works Released light is captured by a PMT (photo multiplier tube). An ultrasensitive photomultiplier tube or CCD (charged couple device) PSP light is amplified by the PMT or CCD This light is sent to the analog to digital converter (ADC). To convert light to binary.
Sequence of CR imaging
Processing of digital images can be used to change most image characteristics. Three possibilities include processing methods to: Adjust and optimize the image contrast characteristics LUT & Processing Algorithms Reduce image noise Increase visibility of detail Some type of digital image processing is used with most of the medical imaging modalities.
Brightness & Contrast Optimum kVp & mAs has changed for digital kVp changes for SUBJECT contrast – not image contrast mAs does not influence DENSITY the same as it did with F/S The image is POSTPROCESSED – with changing PROCESSING ALGORITHMS
Look Up Table (LUT) processing Windowing digital processing methods that can be used to adjust the contrast characteristics of an image. Look Up Table (LUT) processing Windowing Are used in digital radiography as well as with many of the other imaging modalities.
Dynamic Range The range of exposure values to which the image receptor will respond. The greater the range of values that a receptor will respond to the greater the dynamic range.
Characteristic curve of radiographic film
Widow level & width Same photons at the image receptor Image is post processed – changing Brightness and contrast of image appearance
The ability to window is a valuable feature of all digital images. Windowing is the process of selecting some segment of the total pixel value range and then displaying the pixel values within that segment over the full brightness (shades of gray) range from white to black.
windowing Important point...Contrast will be visible only for the pixel values that are within the selected window. All pixel values that are either below or above the window will be all white or all black and display no contrast. The person controlling the display can adjust both the center and the width of the window. The combination of these two parameters determine the range of pixel values that will be displayed with contrast in the image.
advantages of windowing?
Detective Quantum Efficiency DQE An indicator of the potential “speed class” or dose level required to acquire an optimal image. The DQE performance is obtained by comparing the image noise of a detector with that expected for an “ideal” detector having the same signal-response characteristics.
Exposure Latitude It is the optimal exposure range relative to the “ideal” exposure that produces a quality image at an appropriate patient dose.
Why do digital systems have significantly greater latitude? Linear response give the imaging plates greater latitude Area receiving little radiation can be enhanced by the computer Higher densities can be separated and brought down to the visible density ranges
Exposure Latitude The analog receptor exposure latitude ranges from approximately 30% underexposed to 50% overexposed relative to the “ideal” exposure level.
Exposure Latitude The digital image receptor exposure latitude ranges from approximately 50% underexposed to 100% over exposure relative to the “ideal” exposure level.
Exposure Indicators Imaging plates get a signal from the exposure they receive The value of the signal is calculated from the region identified as the anatomy of interest The signal for the plate is an average of all signals given to the plate
Note It is important to note that just because a digital imaging system has the capacity to produce an image from gross underexposure or gross overexposure it does not equate to greater exposure latitude. The reason the system is capable of producing an image when significant exposure errors occur is through a process called automatic rescaling.
In a digital system, underexposure of 50% or greater will result in a mottled image. In a digital system, overexposure greater than 200% of the ideal will result in loss of image contrast.
Darker Lighter Histogram showing pixel values in an image. The pixel values in gray are on the horizontal with the total number for each on the vertical.
Screen / Film Imaging = self regulating 2 mAs Under exposed 6 mAs Correct exposure 24 mAs Over exposed
CR imaging results in 10,000 shades of gray Fixed kVp exposures mAs = 1.0 S = 175 mAs = 0.5 S = 357 mAs = 2.0 S = 86 mAs = 5.0 S = 35
LUT Look Up Table (LUT) Each anatomic area has a LUT Used to adjust contrast and density Other terms that may be used for this Contrast rescaling Contrast processing Gradation processing Tone scaling
LUT The image data from the histogram is rescaled for application of the LUT The LUT maps the adjusted data through a “S” curve that is similar to an H & D curve The result is an image that has the correct contrast and brightness (density)
Characteristic curve & histogram
Just right!
LOOK UP TABLE (LUT) Black Saturation White Saturation Linear LUT Black Shirt One more concept in the image processor that is critical. It’s called the LUT. It stands for lookup table. The situation here is that if we take this picture and we say “Let’s take a look at how much of the image is black and how much is white and how much is gray”. This is a little fancy curve, it’s called a histogram. What you see is all the blacks are down here. This is a lot of her shirt down here. And this is the gray area. In fact, these are most of the facial tones. If you want to reproduce this image exactly as it was taken on the image intensifier, you want the whole thing to be linear. Every time you put this energy in, you want the exact out. Again, like anything else, I can play with this lookup table and say “Forget about the blacks. Everything that’s below this curve let’s make black. Because what I really want to do is I want to see the shades of gray in this white area”. Or I can do the reverse. I can say “Forget about all the white stuff. I want to see the shades of gray in here”. Now, why would anybody in their right mind want to do this? Easy. Radiography is a game of shades of gray. That’s all the radiologist is doing. He wants to see a little bit of a calcification here, a little bit of air in the lung here. It’s always a game of the shades of gray. So, the more you can take his area of interest and stretch it out for him, he’s going to be a happy camper. And he’s willing to compromise that the other areas are going to be bad. Look at this original image here. You’d say “That’s the image I’d want”. Can you tell me what kind of sweater she’s got on. Look at the ribbing. So, we might say, we’re not interested in her face and her hair, but we’re interested in the shades of gray in the vest, or in the cardiac or mediastinum in the medical world. So, the point here is that by varying lookup tables, we can actually also vary the ability to see varying shades of gray. This image processor can play games with low pass, high pass, or lookup tables to create images that are just spectacular, or garbage if you happen to set it up wrong. Facial Tones * No Detail in Black Areas * High Contrast * Only Detail in White Areas can be seen * No Detail in White Areas * Low Contrast * Only Detail in Black Areas can be seen
Digital Images – Bit Depth Pixel values can be any bit depth (values from 0 to 1023) Bit depth = # or gray shades available for image display Image contrast can be manipulated to stretched or contracted to alter the displayed contrast. Typically use “window width” and “window level” to alter displayed contrast and brightness
Display Bit Depth 1 bit 6 bit 8 bit 2 shades 64 shades 256 shades
BIT Depth The number of gray shades available for image display. Number of gray shades is 2n . Where n is the number of bits available for each pixel
Digital - Grayscale Bit depth. Number of gray shades available for display 8 bit 256 10 bit 1024 12 bit 4096 14 bit 16384
CR Image Quality Pixels, Field of View, Image receptor Sampling frequency, Quantization, Nyquest frequency Noise Magnification Image compression (lossless vs lossee) Questions?