If the left photo is the “real” Dominican Republic, why is the right photo the photo style that shows up most when one “Google’s” the Dominican Republic?
This is in the Dominican Republic. Tell me what it “was.”
This is the island of Puerto Rico. It is a Satellite view. Tell me all you can about this place, based on what you see here.
Places such as this (Old San Juan, P.R.), Savannah, GA and others, have houses painted such as this. What are the advantages and reasons this would happen?
What was this building built to “be” in 1882?
Explain the pool of water. Why does it look as it does? Where in Puerto Rico might this be?
Those are your fingers (yes, really!) below, holding the postcard your grandma sent to you from her trip. What do the pictures tell you that Grandma didn’t have room for on the postcard?
What does this photo tell you about Ecuador? What is unusual (to us) about this photo?
What is this man’s job in Ecuador?
What, on earth, are these people doing in this basket?
Chile has its Easter Island and Ecuador has the Galapagos Islands. How can these two different animals survive in the same place?
Give me a name and a story.