Grievance Process
Definition: A grievance is a written complaint by an employee alleging that they have been adversely affected in their role as an employee of Main Roads by: a.A Main Roads administrative action that adversely affects them because it is unfair and/or unreasonable; b.The conduct of a Main Roads employee, agent or contractor affects them because it is unfair and/or unreasonable.
Who Can Lodge a Grievance? Public Service employees (both wages and salaried) only – Note: Contractors and Temps cannot use the grievance process.
What sort of things are Covered? Allegations of harassment and bullying; Discrimination; Entitlement under Awards or EDA’s; Unfair recruitment and selection processes.
Two Stage Process Stage One: 1.Employee lodges grievance with immediate supervisor; 2.Supervisor sends a copy to DG, DDG and D(HR); 3.Supervisor attempts to resolve the grievance at the local level through: Rectifying any unfair or unreasonable processes, Mediation, (may use a facilitator from the EAP program), Hearing both sides of the story when other employees are involved, Documenting the action taken day timeline for resolution; 5.Not resolved in 21 days, the employee has the right to go to stage two.
Stage Two: 1.Employee submits grievance to General Manager and supervisor involved in stage 1 is requested to forward all documentation to the GM; 2.GM investigates (may appoint an external independent investigator); 3.GM makes a determination in relation to the grievance and provides written notification to the employee and other involved parties; 4.Employee may appeal to Merit and Equity Unit Department of the Premier, if not satisfied with the GM decision.
General Notes Supervisors: 1.Employee has right to have Union representative throughout the process; 2.You must ensure that an employee who has lodged a grievance is not victimised in any way and that confidentiality is not breached; 3.Grievances involving allegations of sexual harassment are to be lodged as stage 2 grievances and are to go straight to the Director- General; 4.Act early, and seek advice early in the process!