“MSRT ENGINEERING" LLC is a pipeline equipment manufacturer. This equipment is high reliable, quick-disconnect. This pipeline equipment can be used in different industries, including oil production
Company “MSRT ENGINEERING" LLC offers: House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ; The pipeline equipment Building kit for Bell-and-spigot joint (GOST ) (rubber sealing ring, steel locking ring, rubber microporous gasket); Metal collapsible pipeline MSRT -150; Main collapsible pipeline with increased capacity PMTP-100, PMTP-150; Portable main pipeline PMT-100, PMT-150; Portable main pipeline with maximum capacity PMTB-200; Pipeline elements - fittings PMT-100, PMT-150, PMTP-100, PMTP-150, PMTB-200, PMTB-150. Application: C ollapsible Metal Pipeline (MSRT) are used for transportation of oil and oil products, process and potable water and other liquids from areas of their production, treatment or storage to areas of their consumption and transshipment.
MSRT in the projects House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ;
MSRT includes: Inline equipment Control and shut-off valves Mounting kit Portable pump units Air-compressors stations Emergency equipment House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ;
MSRT advantages MSRT advantages: A speed of pipeline assembling is up to 5 km/day by one installation team manually. A speed of pipeline assembling is up to 12 km/day by one machine. No costs for digging (trench preparation) Full corrosion protection by Belgian covering Zinga Original joint method «Bell-and-spigot»: - possibility of numerous assembly-disassembly - there is no welding in the field - there is no need to control joints quality - protection from vandalism and unauthorized oil junctions House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ;
1 – spigot - end 2 – bell-end 3 – steel locking ring 4 – microporous gasket 5 – rubber sealing ring 6 - pipe body House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ; Bell-and-spigot joint
MSRT parts Pipe bodyPart «Bell» Part «Spigot» Steel locking ring Rubber sealing ring Microporous gasket House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ;
Inline equipment MSRT pipe L = 6000 mm Pipe inserts 3,0 m 1,8 m 1,35 m 0,9 m 0,6 m 0,45 m 0,3 m Pipe insert «К-К» Pipe insert «Р-Р» House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ;
Control and shut-off valves Elbows (90º, 45º, 30º, 15º ) Valve gate Tee-joint Check valve House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ;
Technical data of MSRT -150 Parameter Value Inside diameter, mm145,6 Outside diameter, mm152,0 Pipe weight (6000 mm), kg81,0 Operating pressure, MPa6,3 Test pressure, MPa9,5 Burst strength (rupture pressure), MPa24,0 Yield point, no less than……, kg/mm 2 33 Impact elasticity, no less than…….., kgf.m/cm 2 (t = -60 о С)3 Point of maximum load, no less than , kgf/mm 2 48 Mobility - angle, degrees - axle, mm 1,3...2, Seismic resistance, on the Richter scale10 Throughput capacity, m 3 /day3000 Steel grade09Г2С Assembling rate (machine method), one machine, km /day12 Assembling rate (manual method), one team, km /day3-5 One team membership, people5-7 Operation life, years15 Collapsible Metal Pipeline (MSRT) D = 150 mm, Р operating = 6,3 МPa g was made according to GOST House 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, tel/fax +7(495) ;
Contact information “MSRT ENGINEERING" LLC Address: house 8, Soyuznaya street, Odintsovo, Moscow region, Russia, zip code Tel.: +7(495) ; Web: www. ngiproject.ru www. MСРT.рф General director Mr. Viryasov Dmitry Mob. tel.: " MSRT ENGINEERING" LLC