Partnerships in Information Sharing California Department of Justice Bureau of Criminal Identification and Information
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 2 Agenda California’s Data Exchange Project –How we got started –The partners we discovered Project Status –The value of our partnerships Lessons Learned In Summary National Partners’ Websites Q & A
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 3 Data Exchange Project (DEP) California’s key initiative designed to create reference specifications on existing exchanges to improve information sharing throughout the state. DEP is the effort of the California Attorney General’s Criminal Justice Advisory Committee, through the guidance of its Criminal Justice Integration Subcommittee (CCJIS) since early The CCJIS is made up of a partnership of entities from California’s state and local criminal justice jurisdictions and provides the governance structure.
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 4 Project Governance:
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 5 Project’s Initial Task: The agencies set out to identify existing information sharing strategies in the state’s adult criminal justice arena. The agencies include: –CA Chief Probation Officer’s Association –CA County Information Systems Director’s Association –CA Court Executive Officer’s Advisory Committee –CA Department of Corrections and Rehabilitation –CA Department of Justice –CA Department of Motor Vehicles –CA District Attorney’s Association –CA Judicial Council –CA Police Chief’s Association –CA Public Defender’s Association –CA State Sheriff’s Association
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 6 Next Steps: 340 exchange documents were identified. The focus was narrowed to a priority list of 44. Each partnering agency created an exchange design team, involving the subject matter experts. On behalf of the CCJIS, the California DOJ conducted the design team meetings and developed a data dictionary of over 1,200 data elements and identified emerging standards for information sharing.
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 7 Identified: By June 2005, the data dictionary was complete and several national entities emerged as key partners: –SEARCH, the National Consortium for Justice Information and Statistics: JIEM Modeling Tool—free exchange manager tool Information sharing symposiums and training events (national and regional) On-site JIEM Modeling Tool and UML (Unified Modeling Language) model training
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 8 Identified (cont.): US DOJ Office of Justice Programs (OJP): –Data model standards: Global Justice XML Data Model (GJXDM) National Information Exchange Model (NIEM) –Integrated Justice Information Systems (IJIS) Institute Help Desk support for the GJXDM –IEPD Clearinghouse Descriptive information about Information Exchange Package Documentation (IEPD)
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 9 Identified (cont.): US DOJ OJP, Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA): –Policies, programs, and planning for the justice arena, including training and technical assistance National Center for State Courts (NCSC): –Information on the GJXDM Wayfarer (GJXDM browser tool) –Their own IEPDs available online (reusability) National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System (NLETS): –Assistance for integrated systems in the justice community
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 10 Project Status: Staff resources acquired and trained in IEPD development. Currently working on 20 IEPDs, which will serve as the reference specifications. IEPD development completion scheduled for July IEPD online availability scheduled for Fall Collaborating with our partners at all levels during the life of the project to ensure a well-made, reusable product.
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 11 Value of Partnerships: Governance level –Provides guidance and support toward the project goals. Stakeholders’ level –Provides the multi-agency approach to comprehensively address the crucial document exchange information needed, examining the business need and business process—exposing the potential for reengineering. Funding level –Provides opportunities to explore grant funds available specifically for information sharing initiatives.
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 12 Value of Partnerships (cont.): Development team level –Provides the vehicle and knowledge base to generate the end product. End user level –Provides clarity and focus on the information needed, ultimately improving the dependability and flow of critical criminal justice information in the justice community.
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 13 Lessons Learned: Managing an information sharing initiative in-house is possible. Working with our partners, we were able to: –Allocate existing resources –Seek available free/low cost training –Start now—learn as you go –Use emerging national standards and tools available in the public domain GJXDM, NIEM, JIEM Modeling Tool Added benefit—potentially improving information sharing methodologies.
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 14 In Summary: These partnerships play an valuable role in the life cycle of our information sharing initiative. Key tips: –Keep the partners involved –Learn from other initiative experiences –Investigate reusability –Share your project’s experience with fellow members of the justice community
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 15 National Partners’ Websites: BJA (Bureau of Justice Assistance, Office of Justice Programs, U.S. DOJ) IJIS Institute (Integrated Justice Information Systems Institute) NCSC (National Center for State Courts) NLETS (National Law Enforcement Telecommunications System) OJP (Office of Justice Programs, U.S. DOJ) SEARCH (The National Consortium for justice Information and Statistics) US DOJ (U.S. Department of Justice)
1/7/2007 CA DOJ BCII 16 Q & A Thank you, Susanne Martin Staff Information Systems Analyst Automated Support Program, BCII California Department of Justice (916)