Species interaction - niche / habitat study
Predation Predators have specialized body parts for locating and obtaining prey. Structures= fangs, jaws, holding legs, etc Chemicals= toxins, poisons, etc Behaviors= camouflage, social, ambush, etc
Predator Traits
Smaller Predators
Herbivores / omnivores Need to have mouthparts to obtain food Siphon = butterfly Chewing = grasshopper / cricket Shredding = stonefly nymph (aquatic)
decomposers Many different enzymes to break down organics - Carbs / lipids / protein Usually little defense / mvmt
Scavengers & Detritivores Consume dead organic matter
Habitat Includes food, water, shelter, space Depends on abiotic conditions A change in the habitat conditions effects plants which effect animals
Aquatic Habitats
Soil Habitats
Edge Habitats