Book of Data Governance: What It Means to Be a Virginia SLDS Member STATS-DC 2011 Data Conference July 11, 2012 Bethann Canada Virginia Department of Education Director, Educational Information Management Director, Virginia SLDS Project Henry Paik Center for Innovative Technology Project Manager, Virginia SLDS Data Governance Jeff Sellers SLDS State Support Team
22222 Background SLDS Project Awarded in 2010 Primary objective is creating portal and securely accessing data merged across agencies SLDS grant proposal was itself a multi-agency “project,” under direction from the Governor’s office “Data Governance” is unique outcome within the proposal CIT was contracted to project manage the Data Governance
33333 Federated Model Driven by Virginia’s Privacy Act –Consolidated Data Warehouse not Possible –Received Attorney General Approval Respects agencies’ need to maintain their own data No party can match the linked records back to identifiable data
44444 VLDS Overview
55555 Initial Partners Virginia Department of Education State Council on Higher Education for Virginia Virginia Employment Commission Virginia Community College System (Workforce Office) Virginia Information Technologies Agency with support from &
66666 Purpose To define and describe the authority, policies, and procedures for the oversight and governance of the VLDS and its participating agencies To keep the VLDS stable throughout changes in leadership and membership To act as a reference guide for Virginia stakeholders, including agencies interested in joining the VLDS To address sustainability of the VLDS
77777 Standard Data Governance Stack Process Controls Business Process Hardware Software Data Structure Data Content Agency Policy Data Governance Agreement Service Level Agreements Process Controls Business Process Hardware Software Data Structure Data Content Agency Policy Data Governance Agreement Service Level Agreements Process Controls Business Process Hardware Software Data Structure Data Content Agency Policy Data Governance Agreement Service Level Agreements Process Controls Business Process Hardware Software Data Structure Data Content Agency Policy Data Governance Agreement Service Level Agreements Process Controls Business Process Hardware Software Data Structure Data Content Agency Policy Data Governance Agreement Service Level Agreements Complexity!!
88888 The Process Defining the Scope Six half-day, off-site facilitated workshops Created the “Book of Data Governance” table of contents Building Blocks/Critical Path Items Established DG Committee Drafted the By-laws Identified the Burning Questions Developed an Executive Order
mo2 mo3 mo4 mo5 mo6 mo7 mo8 mo9 mo10 mo December 16, Data Governance Plan Design Build Run Phase 1: Design – Conduct six workshops to define the exact scope of DG for the VLDS and outline how it will be executed. Phase 2: Build – Once the DG scope and the priorities have been identified it will take a six-month period to complete the build-out of Virginia Longitudinal Data System (VLDS) Data Governance implementation. Phase 3: Run – Upon completion of the DG processes and procedures build-out, there will be ongoing operation and execution required.
10 Initially held Data Governance Committee on a bi-weekly (3 months) Moved to monthly meetings (4 months) Starting 2012, DG Committee and Subcommittee moved to alternating bi-monthly meetings 10 DG Committee Meetings June YEAR 2011 YEAR 2012 July Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Monthly Bi-monthly Bi-Weekly
11 Book of DG Components Introduction Data Governance Model Committees (Who we are) Policies (What gets done) Procedures (How it gets done) New Members (How to join)
12 Data Governance Model
13 “Who We Are” and “How It Gets Done” One representative and vote for each partner agency Develop governing documents –Scope of Authority –Membership –Member Expectations –Decision-making Process Develop an escalation path for issue resolution
14 Sub-committees Established to supplement DG Council meetings, DG Council established topic-specific working committees Tasked to complete work on action-items outside of DG Council meetings Subcommittees meet on as-needed basis but typically hold bi-monthly meetings
15 System Governance Role: Reviews topics/issues from the development teams (CRM, Portal, Lexicon, Shaker, etc.) Outcome: Agrees upon a recommended proposal to address topics that will be presented to the DG Council for voting
16 Data Standards Role: To research data standards that may be relevant to the success of the VLDS Outcome: Identify and recommend data standards and policies to the DG Council Implementation of CEDS and other data standards to increase the functionality and interoperability of the VLDS system.
17 Legislation and Sustainability Role: To identify and draft legislation that supports the VLDS mission To help identify ongoing sources of funding in order to sustain the VLDS after the end of the grant Outcome: Draft legislation and gain stakeholder support Draft sustainability plan
18 How to Join VLDS Designed to be extensible as new partners join. Benefits: Increases the data and subsequent data merges Creates sustainability opportunity Challenges: Increases complexity of VLDS architecture Increases Committee members
19 New Member Requirements/Expectations Agree to and sign the VLDS Data Sharing Policy Agreement Agree to and sign the Book of Data Governance Assign representatives to each of the VLDS Committees Comply with the technical requirements and procedures –Submit data dictionaries and metadata –Create an exposure database to hold the data to be used by VLDS –Install the Data Adapter tool on the exposure database
20 Executive Order Purpose: To create a means by which the VLDS can become and entity and operate towards the VLDS mission Why We Need It: 1.Virginia does not have any legislation creating an SLDS or mandating agencies’ participation in an SLDS 2.The VLDS needs the authority under which it can operate 3.To aid in the long-term sustainability of the VLDS post- grant
21 Critical Success Factors Data governance is about people as much as policies Members must find shared turf and politics Members must have a shared vision for the federated system Member must make significant time commitments to execute the work There is ongoing communication and participation of the technical development teams Data Governance is a living idea, continually changing, growing, and evolving
22 Little Details, Big Difference Utilizing 3 rd party facilitator (CIT) External validator (SST) Operating on a consensus, not majority, model Delegating to subcommittees and workgroups increases efficiency
23 Questions?
24 Contact Information Bethann Canada Henry Paik Jeff Sellers
25 Backup Slides
26 Bylaws – Topics Sample language: In order to maintain a continued Data Governance effort and to address VLDS issues in a timely manner, the Data Governance Committee shall meet no less than quarterly to consider and resolve issues of the VLDS brought by the Data Steward Workgroup. The meeting process will adhere to the following: a.Meetings can be attended by voting members, alternates, and other invitees. Official business can be conducted if a member or alternate is present from each member organization b.If more than one-half of the voters present are alternates, then a quorum does not exist and no official business can be conducted. c.Representatives should be notified of meetings by the facilitator at least one calendar week in advance of the meeting; however, attendance at a meeting by a representative shall waive any defect in the notice provided. If not feasible to provide one week’s notice, then the Council may meet on an emergency basis. d.Attendance at meeting may be in person or by telephonic or other electronic means.
27 Burning Questions Identify the Committee’s priorities for research and reporting Identify key questions for each priority Identify available data elements to answer key questions Identify data elements agencies are willing to expose
28 Burning Questions How can Virginia improve high school graduation rates while increasing students’ preparation for college and careers? How can Virginia improve the preparation, recruitment, and retention of Virginia’s educational personnel, including their meaningful and ongoing professional development, especially in teacher shortage areas and in hard-to-staff schools? How can Virginia improve performance of the public workforce system? By what means can Virginia’s public workforce development system meet the needs of job seekers/workers and employers?