Invigorating Business Skills Productivity Agenda ISQ State Conference August
Invigorating Business Skills David Goodwin, Director on the Board Chamber of Commerce and Industry Queensland
Invigorating Business Skills CCIQ Queensland peak industry body Represents 25,000 businesses 3,700 members, 135 local chambers of commerce and 60 trade and professional associations All industry sectors and regions
Invigorating Business Skills Current environment: Economy Source: CCIQ Pulse Survey June Quarter 2009
Invigorating Business Skills Current Environment: Unemployment Queensland unemployment Rate July July 2009 (%) Source: DEEWR
Invigorating Business Skills Current environment: Population Source: ABS Australian Social Trends cat no
Invigorating Business Skills Current Environment: Participation Australia’s overall participation ranking has fallen from 8 th to 12 th place compared to other OCED countries over the last 16 years
Invigorating Business Skills Major Constraints on Business Growth Source: CCIQ Pulse Survey June Quarter 2009
Invigorating Business Skills Skill shortages Drop in the growth of the working population Global competition for skilled workers Rapidly expanding businesses and economy Impact of production demands on the time available to train Structural changes within industry sectors
Invigorating Business Skills Productivity Agenda Pre-election commitment of Rudd Government Based on the 3Ps: Productivity, Participation and Population Long term objectives Targets and strategies around education and training: Youth attainment and transitions Education Revolution Literacy and numeracy
Invigorating Business Skills What employers are looking for Right people, right skills, right time Employability skills Personal attributes ie. Loyalty, integrity, reliability, motivation, adaptability. Foundations skills ie. Communication, problem solving, organisation, learning skills Job readiness Industry specific skills and qualifications
Invigorating Business Skills Transition Students transitions following school: 37.4% of students go into industry and work 34.4% of students enrol in university Assisting students to transition to all pathways is essential
Invigorating Business Skills Roles of Schools Industry relevant curriculum Work integrated learning Mentoring Career advice Teachers Industry and school partnerships
Invigorating Business Skills Recommendations Best practice models Industry and school partnerships Industry relevant curriculum and experience Career information and pathways accurately reflecting opportunities Interaction with industry organisations
Invigorating Business Skills David Goodwin CCIQ Board Director (07) Industry House Wickham Terrace, Brisbane,