N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Investment Opportunities within the UCITS III fund framework Alistair Sayer Investment Director, Multi-Strategy Equities
1 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Points to cover What is UCITS III all about? A framework for portfolio construction within UCITS III What can an investment manger do? –Equitised long /short –Portable alpha –Absolute return Why would you be interested? Risk Examples
2 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt But what does UCITS III allow? UCITS III – releasing manager constraint
3 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Much more choice for your clients UCITS III brings a whole new dimension to portfolio construction? Equitised long / short Portable alpha Absolute return Increasing flexibility Increasing choice Increasing YOUR tools Derivatives Leverage Risk Measurement ProductsComplexityRelevance
4 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Efficient conversion of risk to return Equitised long / short 160% invested Beta = 1 Removes the short constraint Enabling new investment techniques Allowing high conviction position sizes Increases exposure to a manager’s alpha generation Retains risk control to equity market Source:Henderson Global Investors 130/30 active equity ProductRelevance
5 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Flexibility to pick best alpha generators Portable alpha 100% exposure to ANY market Beta = 1 No regional restrictions to alpha generation You can deconstruct a global portfolio to have the more alpha generated in Europe and Asia Possible to construct very tailored portfolio for you clients Market Neutral ProductRelevance Source:Henderson Global Investors
6 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Absolute return Market neutral long / short X% long X% short No market exposure; Beta = 0 Downside protection Predominantly long exposure Flexible short exposure Variable exposure to the market; Beta = 0 to 1 Competition for hedge funds?
7 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Why choose a UCITS III fund over a hedge fund? The benefits of sophisticated hedge fund strategies within a regulated environment Can invest smaller amounts TRANSPARENCY A financial adviser’s point of view The ability to buy a geared fund for the adventurous client Or A limited loss fund for the cautious client fits with your obligation to risk profile your clients Regulated
8 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt UCITS III Badge Standard Powers – “non - sophisticated UCITS” Traditional “long-only” funds with primarily physical assets Derivative usage only for EPM Cannot be used for symmetry No disclosure on derivatives required in Investment Objectives Risk measurement Not required to agree risk framework with regulators Additional capabilities: Asset types/classes Derivatives Money markets Closed ended investment companies Greater derivatives usage permitted Symmetry, hedging and other derivative strategies permitted Required to disclose derivatives usage in Investment Objectives Risk measurement using Value at Risk Required to agree risk framework with regulators Not all UCITS III funds will use their full powers Enhanced Powers – “sophisticated UCITS”
9 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt UCITS III Risk Measurement – VaR Definition Estimate maximum potential loss that a UCITS portfolio could suffer within a certain time horizon and certain degree of confidence Detail 99% confidence level Holding period of one month Recent volatilities ie no more than one year from the calculation date Riskmetrics used to calculate on a daily basis Stress testing on a monthly basis eg 9/11, black Monday Works on multiple levels from the position specific micro level to the portfolio based macro level NOTE: no mention of gross exposure limit Sophisticated UCITS must apply Value at Risk –VaR
10 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Does it work in practice? Examples Risk control Portfolio construction Alternative investments NOTE: no mention of gross exposure limit
11 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Equitised long / short – risk control Risk reduction Releasing short constraint Allows a manager to take active bets where they have information Removes restriction to underweight only large-caps Can significantly reduce tracking error for the same return target Brings in alternative investment techniques Long only constrained * Source:Henderson Global Investors * Note:Based on UK FTSE All Share Barra optimisation targeting 3% excess return Unconstrained * large small 4% tracking error * 2 % tracking error *
12 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Carnival Corp -0.30% -0.70% Equitised long / short – alternative sources of return Theoretical example: Carnival Corp Source:Henderson Global Investors Carnival UK (Short) Carnival UK Carnival US Carnival’s US listing was trading at a 5% discount to its UK listing Bringing together Enhanced Index and Absolute Return strategies 0.30% 2% -2% 1.00% -0.30%
13 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Conclusion How UCITS III benefits you Increases diversity of products on the market –Long only to absolute return Alternative investment techniques –Hedge fund style investment techniques But it comes at a price Increased complexity More onerous due diligence What UCITS III means for the investment manager Increase in derivatives expertise Significant restructure and upgrade of risk systems Potential to demonstrate and segregate alpha capability Symmetry - the ability to add value in up and down markets and to equally use positive and negative research
14 N:\UK\2007\!p\Gen07\NorthernMktsForum-0207.ppt Henderson Global Investors 4 Broadgate London EC2M 2DA Tel: Fax: Important information This document is issued by Henderson Global Investors Limited and is solely for the use of professional intermediaries, defined as Market Counterparties or Intermediate Customers in the Glossary of the Financial Services Authority’s Handbook of Rules and Guidance for Authorised Firms made under the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000, and is not for general public distribution. Any other persons who receive this document should not rely on or act upon its contents. This document may not be reproduced in any form without the express permission of Henderson Global Investors and to the extent that it is passed on care must be taken to ensure that this reproduction is in a form which accurately reflects the information presented here. No responsibility or liability is accepted by Henderson Global Investors or by any of its directors for any action taken on the basis of the content of this document. This document has been produced based on Henderson Global Investors' research and analysis and represents our house view. The information is made available to clients only incidentally. Unless otherwise indicated, the source for all data is Henderson Global Investors. Any reference to individual companies is purely for the purpose of illustration and should not be construed as a recommendation to buy or sell or advice in relation to investment, legal or tax matters. This document does not constitute or form part of any offer or solicitation to issue, sell, subscribe or purchase any investment, nor shall it or the fact of its distribution form the basis of, or be relied on in connection with, any contract for the same. Please remember that past performance is not a guide to future performance. The value of an investment and the income from it can fall as well as rise as a result of market and currency fluctuations and you may not get back the amount originally invested. Tax assumptions may change if the law changes and the value of tax relief will depend upon individual circumstances. Henderson Global Investors is the name under which Henderson Global Investors Limited, Henderson Fund Management plc, Henderson Administration Limited, Henderson Investment Funds Limited, Henderson Investment Management Limited and Henderson Alternative Investment Advisor Limited (each authorised and regulated by the Financial Services Authority and of 4 Broadgate, London EC2M 2DA) provide investment products and services. We may record telephone calls for our mutual protection and to improve customer service.