Newton’s First Law of Motion: Inertia
Newton’s First Law of Motion “An object remains at rest, or in uniform motion in a straight line, unless compelled to change by an externally imposed force.”
In layman’s terms Objects want to continue doing what they are already doing: Objects at rest will stay at rest Objects in motion will continue in that motion (constant speed and direction) Unless an outside force acts on the object.
Still not sure? Unless there is a force acting on the object, its velocity will not change. Unless there is a force acting on the object, it will remain at rest
Let’s Elaborate No change in speed or direction = CONSTANT VELOCITY Objects at rest = ZERO VELOCITY These values remain constant in the absence of a force. NO FORCE = NO ACCELERATION (because the velocity does not change)
And the Scientists? Aristotle believed that a force was required to keep an object in motion. Chair Example vs. Projectile Example Newton and Galileo made the statement that no force is needed to keep an object moving, but will a force prevent it from moving?
Frictional Forces Resistive Forces – Opposing motion Friction and Air Resistance are the two common resistive forces
What is Inertia?
Let’s talk mass What is mass?
How is inertia related to mass? We refer to Newton’s First Law as the Law of Inertia This is the objects resistance to a change in its motion. So we can define mass as a measure of an object’s inertia, the property that cause it to resist a change in its motion.
Inertia and Mass
Try to move: OR
Sumo Wrestle OR
Try to catch OR