Team Members: Brian Medema - Project Manager Steve Anderson Dan Haapala Derrick Kunze Greg Shaffer Communication Card for In-Vehicle Networks Communication Card for In-Vehicle Networks Advisor: Dr. Jon Soper Sponsor: MTU Future Truck Group 23 February 10, 2000
Project Objective This project is intended to design, construct, implement, and further develop a PC/104 expansion card to dispatch in-vehicle communications between the following networks: - PC/104 bus - CCD(Chrysler) - CAN(European) - J1850(GM) All necessary on-card and driver software will also be developed.
Design Options Benefits: Intuitive Design, Modular Drawbacks: Slow, Many Components Benefits: Fast CAN, Fast MCU Drawbacks: Little Data Transmission On CAN Benefits: Fast J1850, Fewest Components Drawbacks: Found Only One MCU Fast Enough Final Design
Specifications CCD Protocol Bus speed: baud Byte format: Start bit, 8 data bits, Stop bit Message format: Typically 1 to 4 bytes J1850 Protocol Speed: 10.4 kbps Message Format GM Class 2 (Mfr. version of SAE J2178):
Specifications CAN Protocol Speed: 500 kbps Message Format based on SAE J2178 : Power consumption below 10W Fit within the PC/104 form factor of 3.5” x 3.5” 128 kB of reprogrammable Flash memory 20 MHz MCU to control 3 networks and PC/104 Bus PC/ bit Interface; Interrupt driven
Hardware Design Components Microcontroller-Intel 87C196LB20, 16-bit CHMOS with J1850 Controller On Board J1850 Transceiver-Intersil HIP7020 CAN Controller-Philips SJA1000 CAN Transceiver-Philips PCA82C250 CCD Controller-Intersil CDP68HC68S1 Flash / SRAM-Waferscale PSD403A2 PLD
Software Design Components Eagle-PCB Layout Design Software AVT Network Monitor-Network Analysis Tool Tasking EDO-Programming Software BP Program-EPROM Programmer Tool PSDSoft- Waferscale PLD Development Software