Elijah on the Mountain 1 Kings 19
Elijah 9th Century BC prophet to Israel Dedicated to fighting Baal worship Spectacular victory in 1 Kings 18 Huge letdown in 1 Kings 19
Why Elijah ran He was afraid – “ran for his life” He was depressed v3 – “I quit” v4 – “It’s pointless to keep trying”
3 gifts to fight despair Rest Sometimes the most spiritual thing you can do is eat a good meal & go to bed early!
3 gifts to fight despair Rest Get a physical Check diet and exercise Get more sleep Take a vacation
3 gifts to fight despair Rest Reminder that God’s at work Where had Elijah gone wrong? Expected instant results (“I’ve been zealous”) Overestimated his importance (“I alone am left”)
3 gifts to fight despair Rest Reminder that God’s at work Point: God’s quiet whisper can accomplish more than we could ever imagine!
3 gifts to fight despair Rest Reminder that God’s at work Choose to believe that God is at work all around you even if you don’t see it.
3 gifts to fight despair Rest Reminder that God’s at work Renewed focus What are my top 3 priorities this summer?
Thank God for the price He paid to free you from sin. Thank God that He is at work in and around you, even if you can’t see it.
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