Unit 2 Super Review Geometry Guy
A POINT identifies a location in space. Draw: Write: Say:
A POINT identifies a location in space. Draw: H Write: Say:
A POINT identifies a location in space. Draw: H Write: H Say:
A POINT identifies a location in space. Draw: H Write: H Say: “point H”
A LINE extends forever in both directions. Draw: Write: Say:
A LINE extends forever in both directions. Draw: Write: Say: G H
A LINE extends forever in both directions. Draw: Write: GH or HG Say: G H
A LINE extends forever in both directions. Draw: Write: GH or HG Say: “line GH” or “line HG” G H
A LINE extends forever in both directions. Draw: Write: GH or HG Say: “line GH” or “line HG” G H
A LINE SEGMENT is a part of a line. It has a beginning and an end (endpoints). Draw: Write: Say:
A LINE SEGMENT is a part of a line. It has a beginning and an end (endpoints). Draw: Write: Say: P Q
A LINE SEGMENT is a part of a line. It has a beginning and an end (endpoints). Draw: Write: PQ or QP Say: P Q
A LINE SEGMENT is a part of a line. It has a beginning and an end (endpoints). Draw: Write: PQ or QP Say: “line segment PQ” or “line segment QP” P Q
Line segments are used to make. A is a closed, 2- dimensional figure. It has an INSIDE and an OUTSIDE.
… it isn’t closed.
Two of these line segments intersect.
It has curved areas. To be a polygon, the figure must have straight sides.
We can determine the perimeter of What is perimeter?
The Perimeter Song (sung to the tune of “Jingle Bell Rock”) Perimeter, perimeter – the distance around Measure the sides, take what you’ve found Add them all up and the sum that you get – With a label, that’s PERIMETER! Perimeter, perimeter – the distance around Measure the sides, take what you’ve found Add them all up and the sum that you get – That’s PERIMETER!
What is the perimeter of this figure (which happens to be a quadrilateral)?
The perimeter is 1 cm + 4 cm + 2 cm + 5 cm = 12 cm
What is the perimeter of this rectangle?
One fact I know about rectangles is that opposite sides are equal in length.
The perimeter is 3 inches + 3 inches + 5 inches + 5 inches = 16 inches I hope you said “inches” and not “centimeters”!!!!!!!!
What is the perimeter of this square?
I know that a square has 4 equal sides.
The perimeter of this square is 2cm + 2cm + 2cm + 2cm = 8cm You could also write 4 X 2 cm = 8 cm
P arallel Lines Versus Perpendicular Lines
The Perpendicular Song (to the tune of “Yankee Doodle Dandy”) Two lines are perpendicular if they form a right angle. “Right angle” is another way that you can say “square corner”. These lines are perpendicular: These lines aren’t: These lines are perpendicular: These lines aren’t!
Do you see the square corners? (also known as “right angles”)? Important: When we say “right angles”, we don’t mean they “go to the right”, or that any other kind of angle is “wrong”!!! Two lines are perpendicular if they form a right angle. “Right angle” is another way that you can say “square corner”. These lines are perpendicular: These lines aren’t: These lines are perpendicular: These lines aren’t!
Now, let’s sing The Parallel Song! SORRY! There is no Parallel Song!
But it’s easy to remember what parallel means…just look at the word: para ll el
Parallel lines are the same distance apart everywhere will never intersect in either direction
I get it! But what’s a parallelogram?
A parallelogram is… a four-sided figure… whose opposite sides are… parallel! Do you see how the OPPOSITE SIDES of these QUADRILATERALS are parallel to each other? These figures are PARALLELOGRAMS!
Classifying Quadrilaterals
Before we do that… let’s classify something else! Chihuahua Greyhound
Let’s say this oval represents all animals. animals
The smaller oval is a type of animal – dogs. animals dogs
Next, we have an oval inside the “dogs” oval. It is for “hounds”. A hound is a type of dog. animals dogs hounds
Finally, we have an oval for a specific kind of hound – a greyhound. animals dogs hounds greyhound
Where should I go in the diagram? I am an ANIMAL. I am a special type of animal – a DOG. …but I am NOT a hound.
I can be inside the ANIMAL oval, and I can also go inside the DOGS oval. But I must stay out of the HOUNDS oval, because I am NOT a hound. animals dogs hounds greyhound
Where will I go in the diagram? I am an ANIMAL. I am a special type of animal – a DOG. I am a special type of dog – a HOUND. I am a special type of hound - a GREYHOUND.
I can be inside all of these ovals because I am a greyhound, which is a type of hound, which is a type of dog, which is an animal! animals dogs hounds greyhound
What about me? …and me!
Let’s use this diagram! Q uadrilaterals P arallelograms R ectangles S quares
“We all have ____ sides! We are all ________!”
We’re all quadrilaterals (because we have 4 sides), but some of us can cross over into the PARALLELOGRAMS oval! Q uadrilaterals P arallelograms R ectangles S quares
Not me! I don’t have two pairs of parallel sides! My top and bottom are not parallel!
If we have 4 _______ _________, we can move into the RECTANGLES oval! Q uadrilaterals P arallelograms R ectangles S quares
We both have four square corners, or you might say, we each have four right angles! So, we are rectangles!
Not me. I don’t have ANY right angles (square corners).
One of us is a square. Do you know who is? Red or purple? Q uadrilaterals P arallelograms R ectangles S quares
Yes, purple is a SQUARE because it has 4 ______ ______. Q uadrilaterals P arallelograms R ectangles S quares
Yes, I am a quadrilateral, a parallelogram and a rectangle. But I am a SPECIAL rectangle! I have 4 equal sides! I am a SQUARE!
What are you? Just kidding!
Goodbye from Geometry Guy! You’re ALL special!
WAIT! WAIT! What about ME?
The important thing about me is… I have 4 equal sides. But you’re not a SQUARE. You don’t have 4 right angles (square corners).
You’re right! But a square is in my family, too! I know, you are a RHOMBUS!
Let’s see how we would classify YOUR shape! rhombus square
A rhombus is a parallelogram with 4 equal sides. A square is a special rhombus because it has 4 right angles. And, like we said before, A square is a special rectangle because it has 4 equal sides.
Now, the final goodbye from Geometry Guy! You’re ALL special! I told you I was special!