Current Electoral College Map
US vs. WHS Electoral College Total of 538 votes A majority is needed to win the election Therefore, the first candidate to reach 270 votes wins Total of 242 A majority is needed to win the election Therefore, the first candidate to reach 122 votes wins US Electoral CollegeWHS Electoral College
Dexter: 4 Obama: 51% McCain: 49% 4 Electoral Votes go to Obama Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Merritt: 32 McCain: 58% Obama: 42% 32 Electoral Votes for McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VotesWINNER…
Wall: 2 McCain: 55% Obama: 45% 2 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VotesWINNER…
Jones: 6 McCain: 54% Obama: 46% 6 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Page: 13 McCain: 60% Obama: 40% 13 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VotesWINNER…
Engram: 10 McCain: 57% Obama: 43% 10 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Hall: 4 McCain: 51% Obama: 49% 4 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Sellers: 21 Obama: 51% McCain: 49% 21 Electoral Votes go to Obama Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Sailers: 4 McCain: 65% Obama: 35% 4 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Scharich: 19 McCain: 51% Obama: 49% 19 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
O’Briant: 10 McCain: 54% Obama: 46% 10 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Grey: 6 Obama: 54% McCain: 46% 6 Electoral Votes go to Obama Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Harrelson: 7 McCain: 53% Obama: 47% 7 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
May: 7 Obama: 75% McCain: 25% 7 Electoral Votes go to Obama Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Mills: 30 McCain: 63% Obama: 37% 30 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
McClendon: 9 McCain: 51% Obama: 49% 9 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VotesWINNERS…
Cowart: 9 McCain: 63% Obama: 37% 9 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
White: 25 McCain: 53% Obama: 47% 25 Electoral Votes go to McCain Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Strassner: 8 Obama: 51% McCain: 49% 8 Electoral Votes go to Obama Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
Webb: 16 Obama: 53% McCain: 47% 16 Electoral Votes go to Obama Popular Vote/ Electoral VoteWINNER…
The Official Results of the 2008 WHS Social Studies Presidential Election… 1,955—Total number of students that participated in the WHS 2008 Presidential election 1,034—Total number of votes for McCain (52.8%) 921—Total number of votes for Obama (47.2%) 242—Number of Electoral Votes possible 122—Number of Electoral Votes need to clinch win 180—Number of Electoral Votes for McCain 62—Number of Electoral Votes for Obama