Class Work Nov. 12, 2012 Mock Presentations Plan Post-Sr. Project Party
Presidential Election: Synthesis Task (Due Date: Monday, November 26) Materials Needed: Completed debate forms 2 different articles from 2 different news sources below: 3 Previously-Completed Debate Forms (2 Presidential and 1 VP) 2 Printed articles from 2 different news sources above Properly-formatted Claim-Evidence 2-3 page Response to 1 of the following prompts: 1. President Obama won the election because…. or 2. Governor Romney lost the election because… *MLA Format, Vocab. (attach debate forms and 2 printed and highlighted articles)
Senior Project Mock Presentations Mon., Nov.5 Tues., Nov. 6 Wednes., Nov. 7 Thurs., Nov. 8 (collect research papers and portfolios) Fri., Nov. 9 (auditorium meeting) 1. meera1.ellie1.kyara1. haley 2.james2.adrian2.allie2.fiyin 3.kya3.sehrish3.evan3. kim J: William Kaitlyn Nadia Evan J:Meera Allie Kya kyara 4.liz4.casey J: Fiyin kim Ellie Andy J: adrian sehrish Xavier Jason
Senior Project Mock Presentations Mon., Nov. 12 (plan party) Tues., Nov. 13 Wednes., Nov. 14 (Do-overs) Thurs., Nov. 15 (Do-overs) BOARDS NIGHT Schedule Magnet Student Presentations 1. andy1.Kaitlyn1. Meera1. Casey 2.katerina2.Nadia2.E-Dub2. 3. xavierDo-overs Begin 3. 3.Haley3. 4peyton4.4. Kim?4.Asminda (maybe) J: ellie adrian Haley James katerina Leonard Anderson Peyton
Debate Schedule Tues., Nov. 27 Wednes. Nov. 28 Thurs. Nov. 29 Friday Nov. 30 AlliehaleyNadiaMeera KyarapeytonKaitlynSehrish jamesxavierWilliamkya LeonardKaterina Legalizing organ trade Body modificatio n in the work place Animal Testing Parental Choices & Children
Debate Schedule Fri., Nov. 30 Johnny War on Terror
Homework ** Learning Center Work…See Group Leader for Individual Deadlines ** Nov. 5-15: Senior Project Mock Presentations Nov. 15: SP NIGHT !!! YIPPY Nov. 16: complete survey, return SP Grades and PARTY! Nov. 26: Socratic Seminar Notes/Discussion/Expectations Nov. 26 : Completeed Presidential Synthesis Task Nov. 30: Learning Center Website Completed Dec. 4: Socratic Seminar on Achebe’s Things Fall Apart **Week of Nov. 26: Peer-Edit Claim/Evidence Paper #3 and Publish-Ready Editing Circles***
Senior Project Timeline: Fall 2012 August 17 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Semester Project presented. Mentor Approval Process and Application discussed. Students will have 4 weeks to submit the mentor approval form August 20 **Due Date for Consequences Form August 24 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Student Resume presented. Students will have 2 weeks to submit resume to committee. August 30 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Student Proposal presented. Students will have 4 weeks to submit proposal to committee. September 6 **Due Date for Resume September 13 **Due Date for Mentor Approval Form September 20 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Proclamation Posters presented. Students will have 2 weeks to submit to committee September 20 **Due Date for Proposal September 27 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of the Senior Project Portfolio which will be a culmination of all the work for the semester and will be presented in the Board Rooms Senior Project Night October TBD **Due Date for Research Paper (exact date to be determined by English Teacher) October 4 **Due Date for Proclamation Poster October 11 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Letter to the Judges presented. Students will have 2 weeks to submit to committee. October 25 Meeting in Auditorium Overview and Expectations of Formal Presentation of the senior project for Board Night presented. Students will have 2.5 weeks to prepare and practice. October 25 **Due Date for Letter to Judges November 1 **Due Date for Mentor Hours Log & Mentor Verification & Evaluation (must be faxed by Mentor) November 8 **Due Date for Portfolio November 9 Meeting in the Auditorium Last minute tips and instructions for Senior Project Night November 15 Senior Project Night