Importance of the Lower Wenatchee River in Salmon Recovery* The Lower Wenatchee is a critical migration corridor for all ESA listed species Of the total stream bank, 35% is confined by the railroad/highway, 31% is cleared, 19% is rip-rapped, and 16% is in a natural condition The Lower Wenatchee River is on the 1998 State list of water quality impaired streams (303(d)) for pH, high temperature, low flow, and low dissolved oxygen *Paraphrased from the NWPCC Subbasin Plan (May 2004)
Lower Wenatchee River Salmon Habitat Conditions The State Highway, development and the railroad have affected channel movement, floodplain function, riparian habitat and LWD recruitment Riparian and off channel habitat have been significantly lost or degraded throughout this reach Late summer flows are often critically low Stream temperatures often exceed state water quality standards Paraphrased from the Upper Columbia Salmon Recovery Board Biological Strategy (May 22, 2003)
Salmon Recovery in the Lower Wenatchee River Enhance Channel Movement: Increase stream sinuosity and decrease entrenchment (meander reconstruction) Add rootwads, log jams, and similar structures that mimic natural formations Decommission, modify, or relocate roads, low-priority dikes, bridges and culverts Protect Channel Movement: Uphold existing land use and instream work regulations that limit riparian area, floodplain and wetland development Educate the public on the importance of stream channel movement Allow stream channels to develop and flood naturally Manage stormwater runoff from existing and new development and road construction using detention, treatment and infiltration measures
Salmon Recovery in the Lower Wenatchee River Enhance Floodplain Function Create diverse channel patterns Reconnect the channel to the floodplain by: –Dike setbacks, removal, breaching or sloping –Channel reconnection Increase flood-prone areas Reconnect wetlands and floodplains Decommission or relocate: –Roads –Bridges –Culverts Protect Floodplain Function Protect existing floodplains Educate the public Identify jurisdictions with inadequate land-use regulations and strengthen regulations
Salmon Recovery in the Lower Wenatchee River Enhance Riparian Habitat: Improve riparian habitat using native riparian vegetation Reduce road density Install livestock exclusion fencing and upland watering stations Protect Riparian Habitat: Condition development to be consistent with state or local regulations or permits Prohibit sand and gravel removal in inappropriate areas Avoid or mitigate impacts of upland development where it could impact channel conditions Establish and protect riparian buffers using regulatory and incentive mechanisms Acquire priority riparian areas through: purchase; conservation easements; and/or; –transfer/purchase of timber, farm, grazing or land development rights Provide incentives and compensation to landowners to retain buffers. Continue public information and outreach efforts to educate and inform citizens
Salmon Recovery in the Lower Wenatchee River Enhance Large Woody Debris (LWD) Add key pieces of wood to: –stabilize banks, –provide hiding cover and, –reestablish natural channel Improve riparian habitats by planting native vegetation Create side-channel habitats, islands, and reconnect back channels Limit removal of LWD from the stream. Increase woody vegetation in buffers. Improve natural stream form and function. Allow beaver re-population. Protect Large Woody Debris (LWD) Maintain current levels of LWD in streams. Maintain recruitment of LWD by protecting riparian areas. Educate the public on the importance of LWD. Identify inadequate land use regulations and strengthen or pass new regulations to protect riparian areas.
Salmon Recovery in the Lower Wenatchee River Enhance Water Quantity Buy or lease water rights Implement efficient use and water conservation Reconnect river channels Develop and enforce minimum in-stream flows Put or keep water in the streams: –water banking, conservation and reuse –lease or purchase senior water rights; –trust water donation; Restore perennial vegetation Educate the public Improve watershed function by: –increasing upland water infiltration, –road decommissioning, –reducing soil compaction, –seeding activities to increase native vegetation cover, –CRP participation. Investigate feasibility of water storage Implement shallow aquifer recharge programs. Allow beaver re-population. Protect/restore springs, seeps and wetlands Minimize surface water withdrawals through: –implementation of irrigation efficiencies, –quantify legal withdrawals, –identify and eliminate illegal withdrawals, –lease of water rights and –purchase of water rights. Convert low-volume users from surface to well supplies. Improve stormwater management Pursue use of constructed wetlands
Salmon Recovery in the Lower Wenatchee River Improve Water Temperature Enhance stream form and function Fence livestock out of riparian areas Manage stormwater and road runoff Water Clean Up Plan (TMDL process) Improve riparian buffers Decrease the streams width-to-depth ratio Follow existing regulations Decommission, modify or relocate roads, low-priority dikes, bridges and culverts Restore perennial upland vegetation Minimize surface water withdrawals through: –implementation of irrigation efficiencies, –quantify legal withdrawals, –identify and eliminate illegal withdrawals, –Lease/purchase of water rights Improve upland water infiltration through: – road decommissioning, –reduced soil compaction, –direct seeding activities, –increasing native vegetation cover Conduct shade restoration activities Enhance wetlands and wet meadows Enhance spring inputs to streams Assess and remedy significant sources of high-temperature inputs to surface waters