Critiques of Computing and Cyberspace 1.The Digital Divide: (see p.372 / 386) Information Haves and Have-NotsThe Digital Divide United: - Declining costs for hardware, software, and connectivity contribute to greater access. - Gender gap has vanished.Gender gap has vanished - Age gap is narrowing.Age gap is narrowing Divided: - Non-white households trail in access. - Rural, isolated, or remote regions often have limited access.Rural, isolated, or remote regions
Critiques of Computing and Cyberspace 2. The Neo-Luddite View (see p. 379) Criticisms of Computer Technology: - Deskilling of jobs. - Causes social inequality. - Separates humans from nature and destroys the environment.Separates humans from nature and destroys the environment. - Benefits big business and big government. - Thwarts development of social skills in children. - We use them because they are there.
Critiques of Computing and Cyberspace 3. The Problem with Prediction (see p. 389, also Chp 4, Risks)The Problem with Prediction Guessing at the Consequences of Technology: - How will people use the new technology? - How will people benefit from the new technology? - Will people like the new technology? - How much will people pay for the new technology? - What problems will the technology cause?
Critiques of Computing and Cyberspace 3. Slouka – War of the Worlds The Road to Unreality:Unreal - Do people live in “unreal” worlds? - How do new technologies alter our perception of reality? - How is the world “re-presented” to us through media? - Will we opt for the digitized world over the real one? - Will we become one hive mind ever accessible through the ‘Net?