DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Assessment using the Australian Curriculum 2012
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING –To clarify the purpose and structure of Australian Curriculum achievement standards –To review supporting materials to accompany and expand on the achievement standards –To identify what professional learning teachers may need to undertake? Overview
Four Professional Learning Modules 1.Unpacking the AC achievement standards 2.Validity and reliability of assessments 3. Confirming teacher judgments of student learning 4. Reporting student learning
Unpacking the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards
Achievement standards provide an expectation of the quality of learning students should typically demonstrate by a particular point in their schooling, that is, the extent of their knowledge, the depth of their understanding and the sophistication of their skills. Achievement standards
Measuring against where they should be (how do they align with national expectations for a student of their age?) Measuring where they are (focus on progression through content)
Present an ordered sequence of learning across F-10 with the difference between one standard and the next clear and unambiguous. The content descriptions and achievement standards are interdependent and should be read together. Achievement standards
comprise a written description and illustrative student work samples. Achievement standards
Receptive mode (listening, reading and viewing) - understanding purpose, how language works to create effects - mechanics, comprehension, interpretation and listening (skills ) Productive mode (speaking, writing and creating) - understanding purpose, point of view, how different effects are created - skills needed to write and speak, mechanics, speaking
comprise a written description and illustrative student work samples. Achievement standards
The examples of student work will include: the assessment task a student’s response annotations setting out the basis for the teacher’s judgment about the quality of learning evident in that response in relation to the achievement standard. Achievement standards
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING What does it look like for English?
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING What does it look like for Mathematics?
Mathematics achievement standards are separated into understandings and skills They combine the proficiencies UnderstandingFluency Problem SolvingReasoning With the mathematical strands Number and Algebra / Measurement and Geometry / Statistics and Probability
‘a framework of growth’
If teachers are to understand individuals’ current levels of attainment so they can target students’ needs in their teaching, they must have a grasp of the growth and development of students’ thinking about fundamental concepts in an area of learning. A sequence of achievement standards across Foundation to Year 10 provides teachers with a sequence of development which will assist them to do this. Where are my students? Where to next?
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Working with the Achievement Standards Objective: Teachers will develop knowledge and understanding of the achievement standards to enable effective use of the standards when planning, teaching and assessing student learning. This activity asks teachers to: - identify the conceptual threads across the achievement standards - sequence the achievement standards into a developmental continuum - discuss the differentiation of skills, understandings, knowledge required from one year to the next.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Highlight and sequence Highlight threads and sequence the text to demonstrate: the presence of conceptual threads and what details/key words differentiate one year level from the next the sequencing of the achievement standards from year to year the increasing complexity of skills and understandings.
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Materials for activity Materials required Packs e.g. envelopes containing a number* of sets of the achievement standards, cut up into sections, for each phase of learning group. Early Years – Foundation to Year 3 Primary Years – Years 3 to 6 Middle Years – Years 7 to 10 Highlighters or coloured pencils to identify conceptual threads. Achievement standards for final display and discussion (can be on coloured A4 or A3 sheets for wall display). Content descriptors and/or elaborations for reference to support judgements. Maths F-3 Maths 3-6 English F-3 English 3-6 Maths 7-10English 7-10
DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING Directions for activity 1. Individually or with a partner –Read, identify and highlight some of the conceptual threads in your set. 2. With a partner –Track the conceptual threads through the texts and use them to help you arrange the paragraphs into a sequence that is developmentally coherent. –Discuss, confirm and/or amend your sequence. 3.Whole group –Use the A4 (or A3) sheets of the achievement standards to confirm/amend the sequence –Pin up the achievement standard sheets on the wall in order. –Discuss/note the differentiation of skills, understandings and knowledge from year to year. Referral to the content descriptors and elaborations is recommended.