Click on the link below statement.html statement.html Very good site to learn if statement, look at the video and text for more information. Once you are ok with it lets try a task
Task Download IF.xlsx from website. You need to implement if statement for the following. If more than 5 units are sold then target is met with ‘yes’ else ‘no’ It is best typing the formula. Another alternative is using the ‘fx’ button; your choice.
Task 2 Download IFOR.xlsx from website. The task is to automatically state whether the pupil is eligible to enter for a particular exam if either the English or Maths scores are above 75. Hint: =IF(OR(first condition, second condition), “Yes”, “No”)
Task 3 IF AND As with Task 2, imagine using the IF AND Function to see if the pupil scores more that 55 in English and Maths, then they are entered for the exam. Change the value of the data under maths and English to test your formula