Real-Time, Clocking, and Porting (My Job ) Determining the Real Time Capabilities of various Operating Systems. Writing code to support Real Time Clocking and Timing in KVM. Porting KVM to various operating systems. (Current ports include OpenBSD. Working on a Real Time Linux module, and QNX Port.)
Real Time Capabilities In order to achieve a hard real time Java, we need to run on an appropriate operating system. x86 Hardware has an approximate system resolution of 15µSec between assertion and handling of an interrupt. We need to find an OS that allows us to integrate Real Time with the KVM.
Real Time Capabilities: RTLinux Real Time Linux (RTLinux) is a hard real time operating system that runs Linux as its lowest priority process. Easy to program, high resolution. Pros: Fast, safe implementation of PSE51. Cons: Real Time Threads must be loaded as modules, with communications in Linux done through shared memory or queues.
Real Time Capabilities: TimeSys Linux Proprietary RTOS extensions to Linux kernel. TimeSys is developing the Real Time Java Reference Implementation. Tested Real Time Operating System by a key player in Real Time Java. Availability of Reference Platform. Fully preemptible kernel.
Real Time Capabilities: OpenBSD OpenBSD supports some of the POSIX.4 Standards. Easy to program, relatively high resolution. Pros: Stable, secure, used on Lockheed Martin aircraft. Free for any use. Cons: Real Time Capabilities are wildly undocumented. No specifics known.
Real Time Capabilities: QNX Extremely well proven and reliable commercial RTOS that is POSIX.4 Compliant. Large developer base, huge platform support. Extremely efficient, powerful, cleanly coded, and well documented. Cons: Commercial, but free for development use.
Clocking: KVM to Java Interfacing Currently much of the high resolution timer Java code is completed. Native code to support Java is in the works. We are programming to the POSIX Real Time Standard in order to ensure high application portability. Certain items, such as Asynchronous Events, need to be handled in an OS- specific manner.
Porting of KVM We are in the process of evaluating many different platforms in order to find an optimal implementation for the Real Time KVM. We currently have an OpenBSD port of KVM. Soon to come are a QNX port, and possibly a kernel module version of KVM to work in RTLinux. No porting is necessary for TimeSys Real-Time Linux.