Presenting information
Organizations present information To customers/clients To their own staff To their suppliers
Presenting information Ways organizations present information Paper based – brochures, letters, memos, reports, etc. Websites – offer a cheap way of giving information to lots of people Presentations – can be given to many people at once or could be one-to-one
Presenting information Software used to present information Word-processing – ideal for simple documents Desktop publishing – ideal for multi-page documents or where the design is complex Web authoring – used to create websites Presentation – used to create multimedia presentations
Presenting information Integrating applications Many documents created by organizations need to use several pieces of software. For example a brochure may require: Word-processing – to enter, edit and check text Photo-editing – to take images and alter them (e.g., re- size, adjust contrast, crop, etc.) Spreadsheet – to create graphs and charts Graphics – to create a company logo DTP – to integrate all the above files in order to produce the final brochure
Presenting information Web authoring software Images searched for using web browser software Text produced using word-procesing software Digital Photographs edited using image editing software Animations produced using animation software Video clips inserted from video editing software Graphs and charts created using spreadsheet software Graphics designs created using graphic software
Presenting information Word processing software Images from a digital camera edited in photo editing software Graphs and charts created using spreadsheet software Text/Images copied from a PDF file. Text cut and pasted from a website using browser software Tables of data created using spreadsheet software Clip art from a database of clipart
Presenting information Features of word processing software Bullet points Alignment of text (left, centre, right and justified) Changes in font type, size and style Borders to pages and text boxes Templates – ensure consistency between pages Colours for text and backgrounds
Presenting information Activity Work through Topic worksheet 15 Complete the Activity on page 230 Have a go of the End of Topic questions on page 231.