Video in the Classroom Michelle Bruce, Gary Gallant, Margaret Hopkins, Ramona McPherson, Joseph Morrison
Why use Video? Planning the Video Using the Camera Types of Shots Set Protocol Editing the Video Helpful Sites
Why use Video? Allows students chance to express creativity and individuality Opportunity for interdisciplinary projects Gives students an employable skill IT’S FUN!
Planning the Video Title Length Treatment Style Audience Profile/Characteristics Story Kernel Point of View Location(s) of Filming
Resources: People and Responsibilities Equipment Props Materials Logistics (i.e. Transportation, etc.) Permissions Required Planning the Video
Treatment (Summary) Sequence Outline Storyboards Planning the Video
Using the Camera Composition -how people & objects are organized within the frame Add Depth (3D) to shot Check for distractions, esp. vertical & horizontal (i.e. chimney growing out of head) Don’t frame important action close to edge of frame Avoid strait-on, square-in-the-middle compositions Avoid large, empty, uninteresting spaces in frame
Know the main subject. Avoid having other elements compete for audience attention. Keep shots simple and not too busy Give space in the direction of people’s looks and movement Give consistent headroom for same sized shots The eyes are the center of attention for shots of faces. Rule of thumb: place eyes one-third from top of frame. Using the Camera
Types of Shots
Editing the Video Use Editing Sheets Allows you to comment on specific takes Allows you to sort good/bad Gives time in/out of take Use Computer Video Editing Software i.e.Avid Cinema IMovie Premiere
Helpful Sites
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