Split each of these into a section that will be easier for you to use on your unit assessment!!!
Europe was originally rich in resources, but as Industrialization increased and populations grew, the continent became too small for all the people/powers.
Since the 1400s, Europe has explored the oceans and set up trading posts and colonies on far away lands. Colonization
Around the 1800’s, colonization changed…
Nations moved from settling for trading posts with other cultures, to grabbing as much territory as possible.
North America South America India Australia Africa
Columbian Exchange Exchange between New World cultures and European powers
Europeans Get CornTobaccoSugarCoffeeTomatoPumpkin Natives Get choleraslaveryhorsesgunpowderreligionsmallpox
Extinction for most of the native cultures that first interacted with the European colonizers
Singapore: British trading post in present day Burma Foothold Vietnam: French invasion was originally a movement by missionaries to spread Christianity. Jesuits
King Mongkut King Chulalongkorn
Prior to 1800, China was just as powerful as EVERY European nation combined. Was able to resist European influence…. At first….
China restricted European influence to a few harbor cities on the Eastern coast of China China had no use for inferior European cultures
Opium addiction ravishes China 5,000 chests in ,000 chests in ,000 chests in ,000 chests in 1858
After 2000 years of “relative” stability the Chinese monarchy falls in the Tai Ping Rebellion Imperial China never recovers….
Controlled by the viceroy, Britain viewed India as the “prized jewel” of the empire British people were set as ruling class, and the native Indians were left to be governed by another foreign power
1 viceroy ruled 300 million people…
Prior to British rule, India had been impossible to control and was constantly full of warfare British rule brought stabilization to the country
At the cost of… Money Food Respect culture