Temple of Trajan 2nd century AD marble temple dedicated to the emperor
Antipas: Bishop & Martyr Was the Bishop of Pergamum Just like Polycarp, he was also a disciple of John-ordained by John to be a Bishop. He was martyred in 92A.D for refusing to offer incense and wine sacrifice to the statue of the Roman emperor because he was originally accused by Pagan priests for detracting Pagan worship because he was casting out too many demons.- Tradition also tells us that accusations came from some of the members (Aesculapians) of the medical guild, who probably believed that his ministry was negatively impacting Asklepion (Ancient Medical Center dedicated to the Greek serpent-god, Asklepion)
Verse 12 Jesus starts by establishing himself as the double-edged sword.-Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17 Jesus starts by establishing himself as the double-edged sword.-Hebrews 4:12, Ephesians 6:17 The word of God is important because this was the antidote to the poison false doctrine that had infiltrated the church of Pergamum The word of God is important because this was the antidote to the poison false doctrine that had infiltrated the church of Pergamum Jesus also makes this declaration to serve notice to the false god’s of Pergamum (Zeus, Athena etc) that he cut them-off (destroy them)- 1 John 3:8b Jesus also makes this declaration to serve notice to the false god’s of Pergamum (Zeus, Athena etc) that he cut them-off (destroy them)- 1 John 3:8b
Verse by Verse Verse 13 The throne of Satan was a direct reference to the great altar of Zeus, demonic temples and Pagan worship all over Pergamum. This was a city that was dedicated to the Devil.-Ephesians 6:12 The throne of Satan was a direct reference to the great altar of Zeus, demonic temples and Pagan worship all over Pergamum. This was a city that was dedicated to the Devil.-Ephesians 6:12 Jesus commends them for their witness, especially that of Antipas. Antipas was the Bishop of Pergamum and was martyred under the rule of Emperor Domitian because his ministry threatened demonic worship in Pergamum Jesus commends them for their witness, especially that of Antipas. Antipas was the Bishop of Pergamum and was martyred under the rule of Emperor Domitian because his ministry threatened demonic worship in Pergamum When we ever our lives and word lift up Jesus there will always be opposition but the Sharp Double-Edged Sword will always overcome. When we ever our lives and word lift up Jesus there will always be opposition but the Sharp Double-Edged Sword will always overcome.
Verse by Verse Verse The doctrine of Balaam can essentially be seen in Numbers 25:1-3 and Numbers 31:15-16 The doctrine of Balaam can essentially be seen in Numbers 25:1-3 and Numbers 31:15-16 This doctrine was very similar to the teachings of the Nicolaitans who came to abused grace by indulging in sin. This doctrine was very similar to the teachings of the Nicolaitans who came to abused grace by indulging in sin. The Nicolaitans were also present in the Church of Ephesus (Ephesians 2:6), but it seems that the believers in Pergamum allowed this group to infiltrate their church. They were not gatekeepers. The Nicolaitans were also present in the Church of Ephesus (Ephesians 2:6), but it seems that the believers in Pergamum allowed this group to infiltrate their church. They were not gatekeepers.
Verse by Verse Verse 16 Whenever God corrects us, He also calls us to repent. Whenever God corrects us, He also calls us to repent. Judgment always starts in the house of the Lord. Judgment always starts in the house of the Lord.
Verse by Verse Verse When obey God there is always a reward. When obey God there is always a reward. Jesus promises to give them hidden manna and also the Lord will their names on white stone (On something that will stand the test of time) Jesus promises to give them hidden manna and also the Lord will their names on white stone (On something that will stand the test of time)
They were faithful witnesses They had not renounced the name of Christ.
They had allowed the Nicolaitans to infiltrate their Church.
Jesus tells them to repent immediately
Jesus tells them that they will receive hidden manna Jesus tells them that he will give them a white stone with their name written on it.