Step By Step Through the New Testament (Part II) Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Spring 2014 Lesson 5: Acts: Paul’s 1 st Missionary.


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Presentation transcript:

Step By Step Through the New Testament (Part II) Rev. Christopher J. Respass Antioch Bible Institute Spring 2014 Lesson 5: Acts: Paul’s 1 st Missionary Journey & the Jerusalem Council

Acts: Paul’s Missionary Journeys I.Paul & Barnabas are set apart by God to embark upon a missionary excursion (Acts. 13:1-3). A. All of Paul’s missionary journeys began in Antioch of Syria. B. The Holy Spirit set them apart for missionary work. The leaders were swift in doing what the Spirit told them (v.3).

Acts: Paul’s Missionary Journeys

II. Highlights from Paul’s First Missionary Journey A. Paul rebukes Elymas, the magician (Acts 13:4-12). B. John Mark abandons the missionary team in Perga of Pamphylia (Acts 13:13).

Acts: Paul’s Missionary Journeys C. Paul make his deliberate turn to the Gentiles in Antioch of Pisidia (Acts 13:13-48) 1. Paul went to the Jews first (v.14-41). 2. The people hungered for the Word week after week. After three weeks, the entire city came out to hear Paul and Barnabas preach (v.42-44). 3. The Jews became jealous and began to contradict and revile Paul (v.45).

Acts: Paul’s Missionary Journeys Paul and Barnabas said: “ We had to speak the word of God to you first. Since you reject it and do not consider yourselves worthy of eternal life, we now turn to the Gentiles.” “When the Gentiles heard this, they were glad and honored the word of the Lord; and all who were appointed for eternal life believed.” Acts 13:48

Acts: Paul’s Missionary Journeys D. Paul & Barnabas mistaken for Zeus and Hermes (Acts 14:8-15). E. Paul was stoned at Lystra (Acts 14:19-23)

Acts: The Jerusalem Council III.The Jerusalem Council (Acts 15) As the number of Gentile Christians increased, questions arose about how to reconcile the cultural/lifestyle differences between the Jews and the Gentiles. Some taught that Gentiles had to adhere to the laws of Moses in addition to believing in Jesus Christ by faith. Others, like Paul, thought that it was unnecessary to burden the Gentiles with living under the Mosaic Law (v.1,5).

Acts: The Jerusalem Council A. The Apostle Peter spoke saying that the Spirit fell upon the Gentiles just as He had upon the Jews. So, he asked, “Why are we seeking to add a yoke and burden which we and our fathers have been unable to bear?” (Acts 15:6-11).

Acts: The Jerusalem Council B. After hearing testimony from Paul and Barnabas, James, the Lord’s half-brother, gave his judgment on the issue. He decided that they should not trouble the Gentiles who turn to the Lord, but in stead they should write a letter giving them four (4) instructions: 1. abstain from things polluted by idols. 2. abstain from sexual immorality 3. abstain from strangled food 4. abstain from blood

Acts: Results of the Jerusalem Council 1. Church concluded that obeying the Mosaic Law was not necessary for salvation. 2.Gentles should abstain from certain practices for the sake of Jewish-Gentile relationships. 3.The Church maintained a unity which gave credibility to the witness of the Gospel.

Preparing for the Second Journey V.Separation of Paul and Barnabas and the Second Missionary Journey (Acts 15:36-41) A. Barnabas wanted to bring John Mark on the Second missionary journey, but Paul objected (v.37-38). B. Barnabas took John Mark and went to Cyprus. Paul took Silas and went through Syria and Cilicia to strengthen the churches.
