FP7 National Contact Points: Assistance during the proposal preparation Friday 31 st August, 2012 Anthea Fabri FP7 NCP Coordinator.


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Presentation transcript:

FP7 National Contact Points: Assistance during the proposal preparation Friday 31 st August, 2012 Anthea Fabri FP7 NCP Coordinator

EU Funding …

Am I eligible for Funding? Participation in FP7 is open to any individual & organisation: Any company, university, research centre, government or other legal entity established in: – a Member State (MS); – Associated Country (AC); – International Cooperation Country; – Industrialised high-income countries - may participate provided that the minimum conditions have been met.

Conditions for participation Minimum condition: at least 3 independent participants from 3 different MS or AC. Additional conditions: established in the work programme.

Structure of a Proposal

Submission Formalities Fixed deadlines: –At 17:00 (Brussels time); –Deadline specified on Work Programme (different for every call) Electronic submission only: –Through the Electronic Proposal Submission System (EPSS).

Proposal Structure PART A (Administration Forms) PART B (Proposal Content)

Part A …(1/2) A1: General information on the Proposal (title, abstract, keywords); A2: Information on the consortium – one form per partner (person in charge, contact details, organisation legal status…) A3: Cost breakdown (summary of all costs allocated to partners).

Part A …(2/2) Online filling of set Forms. If an organisation already has a Participant Identification Code (PIC) number, most of the information in the A2 form will appear automatically. The PIC number is obtained by registering in the Unique Registration Facility (URF).

Part B (PDF format only) 1/2 Template Form available on EPSS. Submitted in PDF format only. Part B – directly linked to the evaluation criteria. Section lengths recommended.

Part B 2/2 B1: Scientific and Technical Quality; B2: Implementation; B3: Impact; B4: Ethical Issues.

How can National Contact Points help you?

Malta Council for Science & Technology As the National Contact Point Organisation, we offer advice & information on all aspects of FP7. Objective: Strengthening Malta’s participation in the FP7 Programme. We have appointed an NCP for every thematic & horizontal area in FP7. Every local NCP is part of a NCP network at European level.

How can National Contact Points (NCPs) help you? NCPs are the official providers of advice & individual assistance in all Member States and Associated Countries. National Structures set up & financed by the Government. European Commission provides the necessary information, training and act as moderators for trans-national networking.

NCP Support Providing high quality support for organisations that wish to participate in FP7 projects. Hand-holding participants through all stages from Proposal submission to final reporting. Circulating information from the Commission through our database. Organising promotional activities, information sessions & training events.

NCP Support Provide feedback on your project ideas. Help you find partners throughout Europe. Advise and assist in funding schemes used in FP7 & administrative procedures including legal and financial issues. Assist new actors in “finding their way” through FP7.

How do I find Project Partners?

How to find the winning team? Use your own network! Cordis Partner Search Tool Key players in FP: –cordis.europa.eu/fp6/projects.html –cordis.europa.eu/fp7 projects_en.html FP7 Conferences / Brokerage Schemes NCPs!!

The NEW Cordis Partner Search Tool

Finding Entities proposing Projects

What’s in it for you?

What’s in it for you? (1/2) FP7 provides a unique opportunity to share knowledge, experience and facilities across Europe. It helps you get your first pick at licensing patents since all knowledge generated by you during the project is yours! It offers the opportunity for Research Institutions to gain a competitive edge through transnational knowledge. It increases your international networks and contacts, thus creating synergies and learning from an international arena of other excellent partners.

What’s in it for you? (2/2) Offers researchers the opportunity to tackle global research challenge. Offers individual researchers the chance to take advantage of development opportunities. It enables you to widen your field of expertise, which gives you access to new technologies. On a personal level being successful in FP looks good on your CV and Coordinators look for partners that did well in other projects. To finance your research idea.

Helpful Tips for Success!

for success… 1/3 Show both Innovation & Exploitation potential. Be familiar with the Work Programme. Involve experienced partners in your consortium – Critical Mass (balance: expertise, involvement & geographical distribution). Partnership & Management must be tailored to suit the project objectives & size by highlighting expertise & achievements.

for success… 2/3 Make the Proposal compelling for a busy reader – first 5-10 pages are key! It helps if you have some members of your staff (not involved in its preparation) to pre-evaluate your Proposal. Divide your effort over the Evaluation Criteria: S&T Quality, Implementation, and Impact. Think of the finishing touches signalling Quality Work: follow the Part B structure, use clear language and well-organised contents.

for success… 3/3 Make it easy for the Evaluators to give you high marks! Be clear, to the point & convincing – leave nothing to the imagination! Therefore, make it pleasant for the evaluator to read & comprehend. Make the Proposal look attractive use understandable diagrams / graphs / pictures. Speak to your NCP!

MCST Scheme: Brokerage Event Support Scheme Objective of Scheme To facilitate participation of Maltese entities in FP7 through participation in brokerage events and meetings held in preparation of project proposals.

MCST Scheme: Brokerage Event Support Scheme Conditions MCST will reimburse the cost of the flight (capped at €500) together with a flat rate of €100 / night as a contribution to accommodation and subsistence.

MCST Scheme: Brokerage Event Support Scheme More information: funding/news