SAARF ® Development Index This Development Index is based on the results of certain questions from the SAARF AMPS ® study that can be regarded as indicators of development.
How can the Dev. Index be used? The World is changing !!! More people have: Electricity Tap water Private cars Etc. Industry to take note and change their strategies
How can the Dev. Index be used? Wider need to monitor change SAARF Development Index is used as an independent, objective Development monitor by: GCIS Department of Communication Department of Health Provincial Governments
Personal Data
Urban Dwellers Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) %
Education % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)
Work Status % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)
Own/ Rent /Use Cellphone N/A % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)
Source: SAARF AMPS Dec 11 Cell Phone penetration x LSM ®
Media Penetration
Can Read And Understand % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)
Any Newspaper/Magazine % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)
Radio - Past 7 Days % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)
Community Radio - Past 7 Days N/A % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)
TV - Past 7 Days % Sample size: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011) Population, all South Africans 16+: (’94), (’00), (Dec 2011)