Weimar Germany and the Roaring Twenties
Overview Weimar Republic Party Politics Occupation of the Rhineland Hyperinflation Locarno Dawes Plan Unemployment Stock Market Crash
Kaiser Wilhelm is overthrown in November, and a constitutional convention is held in the town of Weimar 1919: First democratic constitution of a united Germany Revolution! – A new government declared in Weimar
Germany 1918 Sailors Strike!
Structure of the Weimar Gov’t Proportional Representation Number of seats in parliament is proportional to the percentage of votes Makes it easy for small parties to thrive. Votes cast for a party, not an individual
Powers of the President Under the new constitution, the President had the power to: dismiss the cabinet dissolve the Reichstag veto legislation use plebiscite (public vote) to bypass Reichstag emergency powers to allow cabinet to rule without consent of Reichstag if public order required it
The Early Years The Weimar government gets off to a shakey start, facing opposition from a strong Marxist left (Marxist rebellions in 1919 and 1922) and a potent, but less organized, nationalist right (coup attempt 1920, assassination attempts in 1922; early Nazi coup attempt in 1923)
Beer Hall Putsch
Left and Right bitter about “betrayal” of socialist revolution blames the ruling Social Democratic Party for betraying the working class, the class that brought about the German republic resentment about Versailles Blames Ebert (social democrat) and his “internationalist” views for the acceptance of the terms of the treaty
NATIONALISM students, war veterans, army officers, denounce “war-guilt” clause, demanded the return of Germany’s colonies, right to rearm perpetuate “stabbed in the back” theory blamed Communists and Jews Said Germany was not defeated but cheated by Allies Tied to racism, anti-semitism and ideas of a “master race”, social Darwinism, Eugenics
Economic Problems Weimar government is burdened with reparations payments of the Versailles treaty Crippling economic problems following on the war and sanctions exacerbate the crisis
Currency Crisis Prior to World War, the German unit of currency, the Mark, was one of the strongest in Europe, (about 4 or 5 for each to the dollar).
Following World War I, the German financial world collapsed and inflation was rampant Indeed, from 1920 to 1923 Germany entered a period of hyperinflation such that at its worst, in 1923, the Mark traded at 4 trillion to one dollar Inflation
War Debt and Inflation Rather than cut spending or raise taxes to pay for the war, the government continued to borrow and to print more money As the ar dragged, shortages and inflation became a problem so that the price of domestic goods doubled between 1914 and 1919
Locarno Pact (1925) – demilitarized Rhineland Kellogg-Braind Pact (1928) – 65 nations outlawed war as an instrument of foreign policy Dawes Plan – US $$$ to Germany Young Plan – further reduced reparations POST WWI GERMANY Post WWI Germany
Reparations Inflation and an unstable currency continues to be an early problem for the new government In January 1923, the government misses a reparation payment In response, France and occupy the Ruhr valley -- the German industrial heartland – The Germans go on strike and begin printing currency, driving up inflation.
Strike Given the DMZ and the troop reductions, Germany unable to do anything Instead, the SPD covertly supports workers’ strikes in the occupied areas, and opts to pay the workers (some 2 million people) to stay home To do this, the government just prints more money and circulates the bills
Hyperinflation That decision leads to period of hyperinflation, wiping out the financial resources of most German families ECONOMIC DISTRESS – Hyper Inflation In 1919, one loaf of bread cost 1 mark; by late1923, it cost 100,000,000,000 marks! By 1932: 6 million out of work
WEAKNESSES OF THE WEIMAR REPUBLIC – weak president, many political parties (~40) LACK OF DEMOCRATIC TRADITION – history of autocracy, Democracy = economic failure, Nazi promises of economic stability, nationalistic glory POLARIZATION OF POLITICS -- Crises lead to strong parties on the far left and far right. APPEAL OF THE NAZIS –mass politics, propaganda, violence, suppressed opposition, Blamed political and economic problems on Jews, communists and socialists.
Weimar The pointlessness of the war, the flu epidemic, the post war famine and the hyperinflation strongly shaped youth culture in the major German cities, particularly Berlin Unstable currency made it pointless to save money
Political extremism Parties on the extreme left (the Communist party) and the extreme right (various nationalist and conservative parties including the Nazis) begin to gain in elections despite the general economic stability from
Hitler comes to power ELECTION 1932 President – Paul von Hindenburg 19,360,000 Hitler – 13,400,000 Reichstag – Nazi Party 230 seats, 38% HINDENBURG NAMES HITLER CHANCELLOR Jan. 1933
Reichstag Fire A month after Hitler is named Chancellor, on 27 February, the Reichstag is burned by communist radicals (allegedly) Hitler uses that as a pretext to invoke Article 48 of the Constitution allowing for emergency powers
Elections to Dictatorship Elections in March of that year (1933) do not give the Nazis the clear majority they need, but still have enough support from minor parties to form majority coalition On 23 March, Hitler orchestrates passage of the Enabling Act, a law which gave Hitler and his cabinet the ability to pass legislation without going through the legislature