Team Building By S K Ghosh
Defining Groups Two or more individuals, interacting and interdependent, who have come together to achieve a particular objective.
Stages of group development Forming Storming Norming Performing Adjourning
Which one do you think define what a team is ? A group of Synergy Having one aim people Whole > Sum Cooperation Flexibility Working together Reporting to Serving one one boss customer
WORK TEAM A group whose individual efforts result in a performance that is greater than the sum of those individual inputs
Team needs to Clarify the team goals Identify those issues which inhibit the team from reaching their goals Address those issues, remove the inhibitors and enable the goals to be achieved.
Why team building is a problem ? Personal agenda Lack of clarity of roles Social loafing Group think Group shift
Life positions I am ok you are ok I am ok you are not ok I am not ok you are ok I am not ok you are not ok