How To Implement An Innovative & Interactive Diversity Training Program On Your Campus Dr. Mamie Thorns Special Assistant to the President for Diversity Programs Saginaw Valley State University Leslie Robinson Inventor Keep It Real Diverse Dean Hudlin Wagner Vice President for Student Development & Dean of Students Carleton College
Jamal E. Mazyck Digital Media Manager Diverse: Issues in Higher Education
“Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me.” DIVERSITY “Recognize yourself in he and she who are not like you and me.” Carlos Fuentes
We have students, faculty and administrators of various backgrounds We have students, faculty and administrators of various backgrounds. How are we going to “meet them at the door?” How are we going to get them engaged, communicating and feeling like they belong and are full participants in the campus environment?
ENGAGING THE HEART Author James Baldwin said that Martin Luther King Jr. “has succeeded in a way that no negro before him has managed to do, to carry the battle into the individual heart and make its resolution the province of the individual will. He has made it a matter, on both sides of the fence, of self-examination.”
CHALLENGES & FEARS May not be skilled in engaging others in meaningful discussions, don’t know where to begin Fear of being judged Uncomfortable discussing issues around diversity Afraid I will offend others Afraid of dealing with emotions As a privileged white individual, will not be taken seriously Don’t know how to create a space that allows impactful insights to emerge Think I’ll look ignorant
WHY THE KEEP IT REAL DIVERSE GAME? How do we start the conversation? The Keep It Real Diverse game is the perfect tool to ENGAGE students, faculty and administration in the issues of Diversity and Diversity work. The technologies exist to bring different people together; what is needed is to EXPERIENCE COMMUNITY DIRECTLY and to BRIDGE DIFFERENCES with people from different cultures, races, religions, ages, orientations and countries.
Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom. ~ Aristotle
FANTASY / IMAGINATION If you were a race different from your own, what would you miss about being your race? If you had the choice, would you rather be a man or a woman? Why? What social class would you choose to have been born into? Why? If you are not a minority, how do you think it would feel to be a minority on campus?
PERSONAL What is a stereotype of your race that hurts or annoys you? Do you feel most comfortable with people of your own race? Why or why not? Do you associate intelligence with race & background? Why or why not? Do you want to be close friends with more people of different races and religions? If yes, what if anything stops you? If not, why not?
REFLECTION Why do you think racism exists? How important was / is the diversity experience to your college experience? Do you believe we are culturally conditioned to believe that white people are superior and people of color are inferior? Why or why not? How much of your identity / who you feel you are, is related to your race and religion?
LET US CREATE NEW EXPERIENCES OF ONE ANOTHER! PREJUDICE TO PRE JUDGE: Usually based on ignorance, fears, projections, misunderstandings and bad experiences. LET US CREATE NEW EXPERIENCES OF ONE ANOTHER!
“Watch other people for clues about who they are, not just clues about how much they are or are not like you.” I wish for you: Simple Wisdom for a Happy Life Keep It Real GAME PLAY!!!!!!
Dean Hudlin Wagner Vice President for Student Development & Dean of Students Carleton College Overview of Diversity Issues Possible Solutions Why Keep It Real Diverse? On-going Diversity Training Outcomes & Feedback
Dr. Mamie Thorns Special Assistant to the President for Diversity Programs Saginaw Valley State University Overview of Diversity Issues Possible Solutions Why Keep It Real Diverse? On-going Diversity Training Outcomes & Feedback
Q & A Examine & identify your own challenges regarding providing ongoing diversity programming on your campus.
HOW CAN WE USE THE KEEP IT REAL DIVERSE GAME? Diversity and Inclusion Student Orientation & Engagement Residence Life Student Affairs Leadership and Management Retention & Transition Initiatives First Generation Team-Building Community Service Providers Service Learning International Students Multi-Cultural Affairs Fraternities and Sororities / Greek Life Recruiters Communication Mental Health Retreats Veterans Professional Development
For more information or to purchase the game: CONSULTATION For more information or to purchase the game: 703-385-2419
Dr. Mamie Thorns Leslie Robinson Dean Hudlin Wagner Dr. Mamie Thorns Leslie Robinson