1 BUS 4017 Project Management Week 12 * mins each. Please no “Traffic” during presentations 11 AM to Hand in Written Reports to MS Project – entering resources and costs – Exam review. Quiz on Teams and Project Manager PM to 1.50* Presentations in order as selected
2 Final Written Group Project etc. Collecting in the first 10 minutes of class. After that will be considered late Lates will receive a max. mark of 50% if it meets that grade. Marks for Written report and Presentation will be provided on Web CT prior to you writing your Final Exam so you know your current earned marks entering Exam. No corrections to Weekly posted marks will be made after Week 12.
3 MS Project - entering Resources and costs Bring your MS Project Consumer Market Study floppy disc to class Enter the resource and cost as indicated on the handout. provided Reset the baseline cost. Go Tools/
4 Type of Exam T and F Multiple choice. You will be given a choice of 1 extra question for SA Short Answer – space limits provided. a) Will ask for checklists for problem solving b) Will give scenarios and you apply to provided blank forms Long Answers. As above Total score 100. Worth 30% of Term marks.
5 Planning for marks. To assist you during exam review period Quizzes will all be on web site. Must come to class for answers. Let Instructor know your comfort level on various topics. Need feedback early enough so Instructor can work with you! Extra tuition avail. Doesn’t have to be with your own class. i. Mon. After 6 PM. Room 218 St. James ii. Every Wed PM meet Room 124 in Financial Building - see notice iii. Fri minutes only. Meet Room 124 in Financial Building - see notice Other times by appointment. Send questions by . Answers posted on Y.A.Q. web page for all students to review. Check it out.
6 Key review study areas Revisit: Relationships of R.F.P. to Proposal, Plan and Project Relationship of the WBS to Responsibility Matrix, Estimate, Schedule and the S.O.W. New from second semester Estimating. Various methods, terms and applications Resources. What are they. Planning and reallocation Monitoring and Controls – see slides ahead Documentation and Reporting – see slides ahead Communication – various methods. Developing a Comm. Matrix Project Close out. Procedures and reports and H.R. factors
7 Key review study areas continued: Project organizational types/structures and their effect on projects Project Manager characteristics and role Team building and development Effective Meetings Conflict Resolution – Negotiation Ms Project. Software pros and cons. Use of MS Project. Knowing various screens and inputs and reports.
8 Review: Monitor and Controls Why do we Monitor? To keep project in control. How do we monitor? Monitor the budget, schedule and performance to assess scope creep Set standards and benchmarks early Record variances from forecast schedules and budget using Status Reports for input Calculate Earned value using the reported values Calculate Performance Indicators. CPI Respond quickly to indicators of variance – cost and schedule – see other slides
9 How do we control the project – stop Scope Creep? Scope creep is the most common problem - it can be the schedule, budget or quality that is affected. Assess using your Status Reports information from item #1 1. Review the changes occurring from plan 2. Translate into time, $ and performance (quality) 3. Do a cost benefit analysis 4. Get changes approved 5. Communicate to all who need to know + docs. 6. Monitor the effect of the changes
10 Scope creep. Plan, monitor, control/correct e.g. PlanMonitore.g. Control - Team member commitment Know all the stakeholders?Status reports-get theirs and invite to Status meetings S.O.W.-review, involve them Identify how they can influence the project? Open Task reports. 0/20/50/80/100 % Communication plan – and matrix. Set up effective 2 way comm. Ask them for their expectations?Issues Logs.WCB. Make small work packages-on responsibility matrix. Risk management docs.Review Gantt chartsStrong completion criteria- ownership. Get member to “buy in.” Give out copies of CharterEarned Value. Calculate.Network diagram-show where they fit. Team select and buildGet commitment to the schedule Plan meetingsProject status meetings-invite Open task reports-request Make accountable to other team members Sponsor involved
11 Review controls: Change managementSeriously off schedule. Customer slows down schedule. Status Reports.S.O.W. – meet to review and discuss the objectives Check Network diagrams Respond to Open task Reports Set realistic schedules Critical path or float Issues logsShow Team where they fit into the team Shift people resources to other part of the project Change Order requests Revise Work package estimates- Always advise customer of delays Send out info.Status meetings.Advise all necessary stakeholders. Continue to monitorChange requirement specs./blueprints Get the Sponsor involved as necessary Change Functional specs. Communicate to all necessary
12 Estimating review: Types of Estimates Levels of accuracy When would you use what? e.g. Estimating unknowns – can use a multiple method approach depending on degree of accuracy Do a “Ball park estimate based on over view. Estimate a phase rather than whole project. Look at the history file of projects. Use Rough Order of Magnitude Use your WBS to break down task into really small packages to and ask Team to identify hidden potential costs
13 Reports –what go into them? Status reports:Issues logs:Change order request: Meeting Agendas: Work packages re: Estimates: Resources: types
14 Close Out Project. Audit your project close. When? Might be at the end of a project phase or on delivery/completion of the project. Need ‘Reports” review–Change Order requests and Issues logs 1. Need financial accounts reconciled 2. Need customer’s formal acceptance of the deliverables 3. Develop a lessons learned log from final meetings and surveys. Poll all participants for input both your Teams and the Customer group: what worked, what should we do differently. Cust. focus on Estimates, Communication, Risk Management and Control effectiveness 4. Organize all project documents for future referral/access 5. Pass on necessary documents 6. Celebrate completion. Network - set a date get contact info.
15 MS Project and project software. What are the advantages and disadvantages of using the software. Give an example +/ from the perspective of the Project manager Give an example +/- from the perspective of the Team Members Describe a few main sections and type of information input Describe a few of the output documents Describe the initial set up to start a project.e.g File/New/
16 Home assignment Complete the Quizzes provided in class (same ones provided on the class home pages). Bring your answers to class so we can review them in Wk. 13