Digital Cameras In Early Childhood Education Presentation by Tracey Williams
A familiar item A digital camera is an everyday item in most house holds; children would see most of their family members using them therefore cameras will be familiar to most children.
Children and Digital Cameras. A familiar item. It only takes a second. Specially designed for small hands Easy to use features
It only takes a second Digital cameras are able to be viewed within seconds after taking a picture. They are able to be printed out through the computer and then touched and used within minutes.
Little Hands Children's digital Cameras now come with children’s hands in mind, they have easy to use features and are fun to use. Below are two YouTube videos that may have interest for you regarding children and specially designed cameras. Kids Digital CameraKids Digital Camera VTech Kidizoom Plus TVC
Uses in the Classroom Digital cameras in the early childhood sector have many uses, they can be used to document and record children’s progress and learning, they can be used for recording collaborative projects and as a form of viewing and feedback (Mceetya, 2005 pp 1-12). They also provide an opportunity for parents to give feedback on their children and to be a part of the class program. (Mceetya, 2005 pp 1-12).
Videos for suggested uses in the classroom Scavenger Hunts using Digital Cameras in the ClassroomScavenger Hunts using Digital Cameras in the Classroom Using Digital Cameras as an Art and ICT resource in the Primary Classroom.AVIUsing Digital Cameras as an Art and ICT resource in the Primary Classroom.AVI Digital cameras in schoolsDigital cameras in schools
Pedagogical approach Education has embraced this new age of technology and has made ICT a part of everyday practice within schools. Effective use of ICT in the classroom requires appropriate pedagogies. Teaching pedagogies mostly of the ‘learner- centred’ theory, with the aid of ICT we are able to build and extend on these pedagogical approaches. (Mceetya, 2005 pp 1-12). Learner-centred theory is where the learner accepts the responsibility for their own learning. And the teaching puts the emphasis on the person whom is doing the learning (Weimer, 2005).
The Legal and Ethical considerations An ethical issue for digital cameras is when displaying the photos either on the wall of the classroom, in the children’s portfolios or even online through a school website we need to be aware of children whom have not been given their consent by their parents/care givers, and use only the children whose parent/caregivers have given their consent.
The Legal and Ethical considerations continue We also need to be aware of some cultural considerations regarding taking photos, as some cultures do not allow this as some believe that taking a photo may be stealing a part of the persons soul.
Extra Thought Below is a video clip from you tube I thought you maybe interested in, it touches on the history of the classroom and the changes that schools went through regarding ICT in the classrooms. The Changing Classroom
References Mceetya. (2005). Pedagogy strategy, Learning in an online world., pp 1-12 Wiemer, M. (2002). Learner-centred teaching. San Francisco: Jossey Bass. Retrieved from -Centred/ on the 15th of March Centred/