A presentation for the GYSTC STEM Teacher Academy October 7, 2013
Why the S in STEM Matters Experts agree that STEM jobs are essential to a growing economy and vital to our nation’s competitiveness. STEM jobs are in demand and an engine for job growth, creating more downstream jobs which fuel the economy. Science occupations (the “S” in STEM) account for 15% of overall STEM employment.
Why Science The demand for science professionals is expected to add nearly 200,000 new jobs to the U.S. workforce
Jobs with the Highest Expected Growth Rate through 2020 Medical Scientists (excluding epidemiologists) are expected to increase by 36.4%. Biochemist/Biophysicists expected to rice 30.8%. Average annual salary in 2011 was $87,640.
Top Ten Jobs by Employment 1. Clinical Counseling/School Psychologists 2. Medical Scientists (excluding epidemiologists) 3. Environmental Scientists/specialists (including health) 4. Chemists 5. Biological Technicians 6. Chemical Technicians 7. Life Physical and Social Science Technicians 8. Natural Science Managers 9. Urban and Regional Planners 10. Geoscientists (except hydrologists and geographers
Why so Many Jobs? According to a report by the Joint Economic Committee Chairman’s Staff: Demand is increasing in STEM fields. The need for workers with STEM skills is increasing in today’s global economy. The diffusion of technology across industries and occupations (even in non-STEM fields) has increased. 31.4% of science workers are over the age of 55, compared with 22.2% of all workers suggesting a near- term talent gap due to impending retirements
Yes, but…. Most of my students are not going to go on to get graduate degrees. Many of them will not even get a 4 year degree. So, why should I care?
According to a study by the Brookings Institute, about 20 percent of all American jobs are now in the science, technology, engineering and mathematics fields. Half of those jobs are open to workers who do not have four year college degrees. This is know as the “hidden STEM economy”. These jobs average about $53,000 per year From a report by Jason Koebler for usnews.com
Did You Know… A study conducted by My College Options and STEMconnector found that interest in STEM work is highest among those at a two-year vocational or technical school. A significant number of jobs that will be available in the near future are STEM or STEM-related jobs. Many of these jobs do not require a 4 year degree. See the US News list of the 100 best jobs.100 best jobs about-stem-jobs-and-students